Windows 7 Problems after resizing partitions! HELP!!!


New Member
Jan 14, 2009
Hi i had 2 partitions on my hard drive before installing windows 7, one with xp and the other with ubuntu. I used ubuntu gparted to resize the xp partition to make room and created a new partition for windows 7, it installed fine and it was running perfectly for about a week.

It was going so well in fact that i decided to use it as my main OS which meant giving it some extra hard drive space. So went back into ubuntu, shrunk the xp partition again, and added the new space to the win7 partition.

That completed fine but when i tried to boot into windows it first said win7 encountered an error on startup and i had to insert the disc and "repair computer", this (to my surprise) actually found exactly what was wrong with it and apparently repaired it. woohoo i thought.

after restarting it now boots into win7 fine but when i log in it says "preparing your desktop" for quite a while then goes to a light blue screen (not bsod) and does nothing.

I ctrl+shift+esc'd and started explorer.exe which eventually came up but the theme is the windows classic one and hardly any programs work, they all say "explorer.exe - no such interface supported"
All my files seem to be in tact, i don't want to have to reinstall all over agin!

oo also apart from a chkdsk the first time, xp boots up fine so i don't think it was gparteds fault!

please help!!

You should've partitioned with the Storage manager in Windows 7.
It's probably a partitioning issue.

Maybe this will help: Link Removed

just try repairing again.

having the same issue resize the c drive and had to repair W7 to boot again work fine but now getting the light blue screen after login, im able to ctrl alt del to task manager mouse is ok, Windows explorer is not loading
any sugestion would be appreciated

and how did you manage to start explorer from the light blue desktop ????

repairing with the disk link to repair windows 7 doesnt work since i dont have a restore point yet
is there a repair fonction futher on the disk like XP ?
but if i do that will loose all prog's and config :(

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and how did you manage to start explorer from the light blue desktop ????

press ctrl+shift+esc to bring up task manager, then on applications tab click "new task...", type explorer.exe
It doesnt come up straight away though, it brings up some other program which shows up in task manager, double click it and woohoo task bar :D

just follow your nose!

repairing with the disk link to repair windows 7 doesnt work since i dont have a restore point yet
is there a repair fonction futher on the disk like XP ?
but if i do that will loose all prog's and config :(

I tried every option on the win7 disc, even memory check but nothing fixed it!
unfortunately resistance is futile it seems, i couldnt find a fix anywhere for this so i reinstalled windows, if you have a linux partition just chuck all your files/appdata on there and reinstall, copy them over again afterwards :D

lesson learnt, dont rely on beta, i thought it was too good to be true :(

@ last poster: To start explorer; ctrl alt del, select task manager, go to file, run, explorer.exe

explorer is not loading at all trying to find a way to fix it trought cmd

will post back the result

I need to resize my boot partition BUT!!!!!!!!!!!! it appears from what I have read that one CANNOT resize a boot partition on ANY Windowz OS without screwing up the OS REGARDLESS of which program you use to do it.

Some say doing a repair install will fix it, but that seems to be hit or miss also.

I think I tried it once and it screwed up and I just attributed it to cockpit error, but I guess I was wrong again.

IT CAN'T BE DONE. Image the system, resize the D: drive, delete & recreate a new C: partition, then copy the image back to the resized space.


I never have any problem doing it.

Using an imaging program that will update bcd to reflect the new offset is also valid - as you suggest.

Particularly if it is a fast program, like Macrium Reflect.
