Windows Vista Problems with Audio Streaming


Former Moderator
Jan 15, 2008
:) Hi!!! If your streaming audio occasionally stops briefly and then starts back-up again, this is most likely due to your Internet connection. If your Internet connection is too slow or is busy downloading other large amounts of data, then it may intermittently not be able to handle all the streaming data as fast as necessary. In these cases, you will usually see a "buffering message" in your player. Also, some employers block access to streaming media to preserve company bandwidth. If you are able to listen to the stream from home but are unable to connect to the server from work, that may be the problem.

Streaming Radio- It's Consuming Bandwidth---------If your broadband package is limited to say 3 GB of downloads per month, how then would this be calculated when listening to the Internet Radio? The download is calculated by adding up data received over the listening time, as though you were downloading a file. Internet Radio Stations can send anything from 16 Kilobits per second (Low Quality Voice) to 128 KBPS (High Quality Stereo). If a station broadcasts at 56 KBPS, that's around 25 Megabytes per hour. Listening for four hours a day would use your monthly 3GB Allowance.
Hi Celestra

I guess almost everyone has or has had problems with audio streaming at some time. It can be very annoying especially as you point out there is not much you can do about it. I tend to avoid the peak times that I think will be heavy on bandwith usage and look to use the "unsociable hours" for this type of operation.

i stream 800k baseball games from on an hp media laptop with a 3 gig cpu, 1 gig of ram. 128 video. the stream is always perfect. just like tv.
i 's-video' the stream into to my big screen lcd.
and i have a 900 mhz amd with 256 ram, 32 meg video, and it streams a/v just as good.

Now, lets see, what am I ? I'm some kind of mighty midget in the portable wireless division. 160GB, High Definition Bright-View Wide-screen Display,up to 559MB shared video memory for sharp photo images,AMD Turion 64x2,LightScribe Super Multi 8X,Webcam,Mobile Stereo head phones,2048MBDDR2 SDRAM,Express Card/54, 5-in-one digital reader,6150 Nvidia G-Force shared graphics memory. And some other cool stuff.

Now, lets see, what am I ? I'm some kind of mighty midget in the portable wireless division. 160GB, High Definition Bright-View Wide-screen Display,up to 559MB shared video memory for sharp photo images,AMD Turion 64x2,LightScribe Super Multi 8X,Webcam,Mobile Stereo head phones,2048MBDDR2 SDRAM,Express Card/54, 5-in-one digital reader,6150 Nvidia G-Force shared graphics memory. And some other cool stuff.

I love it when you talk dirty :D

When my wife want's to turn me on all she has to do is wisper my pc specs in my ear

This conversation could really get ludicrous with words like 'hardware' and 'RAM' being bandied about...:eek:

I think I have something called a tunable chip from Intel, which means I can pick things up from 1,500 feet away without any noticeable difference. I'm not sure what network card I have, I know that the 802.11g has the fastest connection and is interchangeable. (Each hot-spot can handle 10-100 network cards) 802.11 network or wifi, short for wireless fidelity. Supposedly this new technology is so powerful that it can handle phone calls, HDTV, music etc. standing on it's head with one hand tied around it's back. The best cities for the UN-Wired are: 1. San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose Northern CA 2. Orange County CA 3. Washington D.C. 4. Austin TX 5. Portland Oregon 6. Seattle WA 7.Bergen-Passaic NJ 8. Middle sex NJ 9. San Diego CA 10. Denver CO

Streaming Radio- It's Consuming Bandwidth---------If your broadband package is limited to say 3 GB of downloads per month, how then would this be calculated when listening to the Internet Radio? The download is calculated by adding up data received over the listening time, as though you were downloading a file. Internet Radio Stations can send anything from 16 Kilobits per second (Low Quality Voice) to 128 KBPS (High Quality Stereo). If a station broadcasts at 56 KBPS, that's around 25 Megabytes per hour. Listening for four hours a day would use your monthly 3GB Allowance.

:) Hi!!! If your streaming audio occasionally stops briefly and then starts back-up again, this is most likely due to your Internet connection. If your Internet connection is too slow or is busy downloading other large amounts of data, then it may intermittently not be able to handle all the streaming data as fast as necessary. In these cases, you will usually see a "buffering message" in your player. Also, some employers block access to streaming media to preserve company bandwidth. If you are able to listen to the stream from home but are unable to connect to the server from work, that may be the problem.
Streaming Radio--(It's Consuming Bandwidth) If your broadband package is limited to 3GB of downloads a month, how is this calculated on the Internet Radio? Adding up data over the listening time, as though you were downloading a file. Internet Radio Stations can send anything from 16 KILOBITS per second (Low Quality Voice) to 128 KBPS (High Quality Stereo). If a station broadcasts at 56 KBPS, that's 25 Megabits per hour. Listening for 4 hours a day would use your monthly allowance.

Hi Celestra

Thanks for that info.... Its good to know..... I use Internet radio quite a lot so I guess I had better check what allowance I have used..... best superbill

I don't know, I have a meter on my Health Check that starts up with booting. When I sign into my Network Provider, I get definite variances in signal strength. From middle to almost top of the chart. It is not a good enough service, even for dial-up. However, I'm afraid of the extreme greed some of these high speed providers have. Verizon wanted last year 50 dollars a month, 2 year contract, walk around with the thing anywhere you want, no live media streaming...I'm not sure about the audio. Another place will only give you 10 hours a month for radio.

Hey, Pandora's kind of cool. I was enjoying some Siberian folk music that Pandora felt resembles Celtic Passion. I'm going to have to get my antenna and card. It's definitely an Internet problem because if I watch MSM old T.V. programs ,they have some new ones too, on Linksys late at night it won't stop and start.

I know that streaming is based on all that tech stuff. I have time warner roadrunner cable, shouldn't that make my videos stream smoothly. It doesn't.. My computers are fairly new and my laptop is only 3 weeks old.. I wanna watch videossssssss.......
