Windows 7 Punkbuster Thinks Win 7 a Hack!

JohnJ, wich build are u using?

I noticed that there were some new updates for pb, but still doesn't work. Using W7 7600
Can't say I've tried COD yet but all my other punkbuster games ran fine once I had ran the manual updater from Pbsetup.exe
Anyone knows if cod uo works with the rtm? I would be very happy for some help here since every build ive tried so far has given me the "unknown windows api 131131 kick-error". It feels like ive tried everything yet if it works with the rtm im getting it.
farcry2 get problems online

hi eveybody

I got the same problems with w7 + farcry2 , but only in ranked game, the other works fine

I did all the update , but so far NADA

Hi all, just my tuppence worth, been havin major strop with pb kicking me in cod5 but (by mistake) found the cause, i was getting all, api, disallowed driver etc but when i knocked of D£D overidr - which i use to force v sync on sone games- happy bunnies 4hr online and various servers, hope this may be of use gg.