
Windows Forum Admin
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Aug 28, 2007
Hi, out of interest I'm hoping users will post the score found in the Reliability moniter. I just want to see if there is an average across the range, for example, my score is 7.83 and is usually around that figure. If other users are getting the same results then hopefully we can see a pattern emerging. For those who need to know the Reliability moniter can be found by clicking:
Control Panel then,
System Maintenance then,
Performance information and Tools then,
In the left hand side strip click 'Advanced Tools'
Then click 'Open Reliability and Performance moniter'
Then Reliability Moniter. There you will see a graph and a score on your systems reliability over a certain period of time. I have had a score as low as four before now but that was when I was testing RAM and chip speeds with the obvious lock ups and crashes :frown:. So please post your score it may prove rather interesting if we get a lot of users posting. Thankyou :)

I have a Motion LS800 with IGB RAM and 60 GB hard disk and get 9.34 on the index.

I am getting a 6.28 on the monitor.

Hi, thanks for the input. I'm still hovering around 7.22 and must admit at times this OS drives me nuts. I really, really hope that with the advent of SP1 (which apparently has a rewritten kernal) that things improve. I'm really trying to like Vista and have defended it on more than one occasion but I'm starting to think that Vista has some very deep seated flaws. What were these guys doing for 6yrs? As far as I can make out, it was a competition to see who could create the most frustrating bug in an OS...:frown: For now I'm going to stick with it and hope and pray things improve (Microsoft themselves said don't just buy Vista thinking the SP1 update will be a vast improvement, stick with it and Vista will slowly improve). Time will tell if this OS has any sort of a future...

Would be interesting to hear if anyone is below 5.0 and what this means? Mine seems to vary from 7.5 to 8 but never leaves that area.

I did read a post in an overclocking forum where the user had a score of 1.28! Obviously due to the crashes ect one gets when 'pushing the envelope'.
Just from reading these few posts though I'm starting to get the idea that a typical user ( by that I mean someone who uses their PC frequently and to the full) will have a score of between 6 and 8. I'm hoping that with a few more users posting scores a better idea can be attained. Once we have the 'average it will interesting to see if any new updates ( SP1 ect ) will improve on this.

Wow I've now achieved the score of 4.47! This is due to playing and testing the Hellgate:London beta. I'm seriously hoping things improve soon..
