Windows 7 Screensaver won't invoke..


New Member
Jan 10, 2009
..wondering if it's a bug or if the power settings for this laptop need tweaking to get the screensaver to work.

I have it set at "high performance" because it's most often plugged in.

Screensaver is set to come on at 21 minutes of no use. "Standby" and all that is set to "never."

The screen saver kicks in on my system perfectly even thoguh i have the power setting set at high performance. I dont know why it wouldnt be working if you have all the settings set.

Having same issue, tried different screensavers but none will run. Went through CMOS didn't see anything there.

Had the same problems as everybody else. Screen saver won't kick in - sleep would kick in then straight back out.

My problem was the Microsoft Laser Keyboard & Mouse - Updating to the Beta Drivers fixed all power managment issues.

Hope this helps!!

My problem was the Microsoft Laser Keyboard & Mouse - Updating to the Beta Drivers fixed all power managment issues.

I've got this problem, and I've got a wireless USB mouse, so I guess that's it. This might be a stupid question, but where can I find the beta drivers?


I had issues with this before in Vista, turned out to be some network activity. You gotta change some setting to let Windows sleep/screensaver/whatever even during intense network traffic. Can't remember where it is but I'm sure someone on this forum knows what I'm talking about. Or you could just unplug the network cable/disable wireless when your AFK I guess as a temporary solution/troubleshooter.

I'm having a problem with my screen saver turning itself off when ever I restart my computer, anyone else seen this (build 7048)

I have been trying to fix this problem since installing the first beta of windows 7 and I stumbled on this topic today. Thank you very much it solved my problem.

Fixed it

I have a MS Wireless keyboard and mouse. The new MS link from stagnant16 fixed he problem of my computer not going into the screensaver mode. Also, my 2 other other computers in the house would not go into the screensaver mode at the same time??? Was it a coincident or did my W7 installation keep the network up??? Anyway, great solution

I'm having a problem with my screen saver turning itself off when ever I restart my computer, anyone else seen this (build 7048)

Yes. I have this same problem. I can select a screen saver and it will work fine. The next time I reboot, the setting goes back to no screen saver. Any fixes yet?

For what its worth: I have found out that a gadget was my problem in will the screensaver start or not. Whenever I had my radio gadget on a stream the screensaver refused to start. When I turned it off (no removal but just no working stream), that screensaver started without a problem in the given time.

This didn't happen in XP nor in Vista with the same gadget. So it must be a thing with Win7.
