Windows Vista Should I ditch XP completely and use Vista ?


New Member
Oct 26, 2006

I currently dual boot two os's installed on my PC....Windows XP Home Edition and Widnows Vista RC2 Build 5744, and lately I find myself using vista more and more.....should I just reformat my xp partion on my hdd and use vista as my current os?

I just want opinions !

It doesen't mean I'm going to do it ! :p


Hi JordanJ-P-

I'm in a semi-similar situation. I loaded RC 1 on my laptop and i've had no real problems accept for an extremely touchy touch pad. I just love using Vista but i've avoided loading it on my main desktop because I need to upgrade the video and sound cards if it wasn't for that and the fact my mp3 player isn't recognized yet, but Creative said it would be, i'd switch right away

I have been searching for RC 2. Where do I get that from?
