Windows 7 Should MS just stop Windows 7 and wait until Sigularity comes out?

Should MS kill Windows 7 and wait another 7 years to release Singularty?

  • YES

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cant wait for a non windows os from MS

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Have MS purchase Apple and use OS/X or OS/11

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Bring back Dos 6.0 and Windows 3.1

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • No Singularity is far from finished. Stick with Windows!!!

    Votes: 23 79.3%

  • Total voters


New Member
Jan 16, 2009
I think microsoft should stop all development of Windows altogether and wait another 6 years like they did with XP and release Singularity a non Windows based windows.

A good idea.. in theory... but than again communism is a good idea.. in theory.. ;) I really can't see Microsoft giving up on Windows at all for quite some time.. It wouldn't be a very smart move on their part either with the massive amount of Windows users there are on the planet currently.. ;) Personally I don't see any valid reason why they should move away from Windows.. Windows 7 is so far the best Windows yet.. why would they give up on that.. If you don't like Windows OS's that much than perhaps you could try one of the already existing alternatives such as a Linux distro or Mac... they are also very good choices in their own ways... ;)

Microsoft would be fools to do any such thing. As i described in another thread computing today is far from where it needs to be in order for singularity to be successful. First and foremost the US does not have fast internet speed and cannot keep up with singularity. Lets see where is microsofts biggest market at..... Oh the USA. So if the US is not ready for it then microsoft will never do it.

MS is already losing an increasing market share to Apple's OSX. I would say at least half of the people I know now who are buying new systems are buying iMacs and Macbooks. That says something considering that Apple hardware is basically the same as PC hardware but costs 2x more. People just love the OS. So, MS has to really pull their heads out of their collective buttocks if they want to continue.

I'm sticking with building PC's because of cost, but I guarantee if MS continues with Windows the way it is (W7 just feels like Vista to me with a new taskbar (and Vista just feels like XP to me but bloated and with a new gui) for 6 years, I will unfortunately make the switch to the preening tossers' side (ie, Apple)

Either that, or do what is mentioned in the survery... buy Apple.:razz:


Though Apple is increasing it's presence in the overall market share as far as OS's are concerned, MS still has over 90%... so yeah.. Apple has got a long ways to go before MS needs to worry... ;) And as much as people bitch about Vista .. it has sold millions of copies... it's always the same thing with Windows. it always has been and always will be.. people will bitch and whine about it, but those same people will go out and buy it.. even if it's just because they feel they have no other choice or whatever stupid reason, the point is, they still go out and buy it... so as long as people continue to buy Windows, Microsoft will continue to produce new versions of Windows.. like it or not.. it's the truth... :) And I really don't think that's going to change anytime soon.. as far as Windows Vista feeling like XP with a gui tweak and more bloat.. I still don't agree with that.. and I certainly don't agree that Windows 7 is Vista but slimmed down a bit.. Windows 7 is a major improvement for Microsoft and the whole Windows world.. It is one of the best Beta OS's to date from MS and in my opinion it's going to be one of the best Windows OS's from MS to date once released in final form.. :)

Also, I really don't think Apple or even Linux for that matter will ever overtake Windows completely, especially with dual/triple/quad booting becoming standard among many PC users... I mean really, why would I (or any PC user) switch to Mac or Linux only when I can have the best of all 3 worlds so easily these days?? It just doesn't make sense.. I admit Mac's excel in ways that Windows doesn't, the same can be said about Linux.. but the thing is there's no reasonable point to solely use only one of the 3 major OS's.. Mac's are definitely overpriced but that will change soon enough.. And when it does I still don't think it's going to wipe Windows out of the picture.. I for one would certainly rather have a MAC rig just for OSX and a PC for Windows and Linux.. I wouldn't be using only 1 OS is my point. So in my opinion, no matter how you look at it, all 3 are used by millions of people.. I truly don't believe even if Microsoft decided to stop making Windows OS's all together, that any 1 of the 3 would become the only OS to be used... It just won't happen.. hahaha

And of course, if it does happen then I will bow my head in shame and admit defeat... :)

Oh what short memories we have...

XP had quite a few problems when it came out. These OS's are all works in progress, and always will be. The pace of technologies has led to the expectation of perfection...NOW! This impatience in the market leads to bad decisions, and premature implementations. Remember that one OS they had....oh yeah...Vista.
This is a beta, and not a bad one at that given the historical context. MS must go forward for 2 reasons...stagnation will kill a business...and 2, they absolutely need the incremental income it takes to run that business.

XP had quite a few problems when it came out. These OS's are all works in progress, and always will be. The pace of technologies has led to the expectation of perfection...NOW! This impatience in the market leads to bad decisions, and premature implementations. Remember that one OS they had....oh yeah...Vista.
This is a beta, and not a bad one at that given the historical context. MS must go forward for 2 reasons...stagnation will kill a business...and 2, they absolutely need the incremental income it takes to run that business.

VERY well said kevin from Chi-town! :)

...Isn't Singularity 32-Bit?
I've read some MS documents stating it's an x86-32 project, since when they had begun the OS development stages 32-Bit was still the only OS type for Windows. If this is true, I don't want to see it period. We don't need to take a step back, especially since 64-Bit is finally catching on, and Seven will be the last 32-bit Windows OS.

Besides, Singularity is FAR from complete. It's still only at a second revision stage.

I beleive i read a similar article saying the same thing. How long has microsoft been working on singularity and their still in the second revision? Singularity will become one of those projects microsoft will dump because the world just isnt ready.

I believe the project started in 2002.
So... 7 years.


And as much as people bitch about Vista .. it has sold millions of copies... it's always the same thing with Windows.

Ask some professional how many Vista she has downgraded to WinXP.
Ask any reseller, how many WinXP and Vista licenses MS has sold to him and how many he had wanted to buy.
Ask any reseller, what is the question customers most often ask. It just might be 'Can I have it without Vista, but with WinXP'

Yes, it has sold milions of copies - to resellers who are tied to MS license politics.

Politics...maybe. This is the exact argument I remember hearing when Windows 98 was being put out to pasture and windows ME, and then NT were introduced. Both were early versions of XP. Look at how many people you have to drag kicking and screaming to secure their pcs. And securing XP took up many many man hours in Redmond. Lets face it, XP is becoming rapidly archaic. MS realized this when it came out with Vista...however Vista was at best a beta. Vista was the direction that MS was going to go. So now you have 7....a great platform to build on. Also a platform which couldnt of been built without Vista.
And your licensing grievance...well thats how you make money!

Ask some professional how many Vista she has downgraded to WinXP.
Ask any reseller, how many WinXP and Vista licenses MS has sold to him and how many he had wanted to buy.
Ask any reseller, what is the question customers most often ask. It just might be 'Can I have it without Vista, but with WinXP'

Yes, it has sold milions of copies - to resellers who are tied to MS license politics.

I don't think you took the time to read my whole post regarding this issue.. I clearly stated that I wasn't referring to the people stuck with MS licensing agreements.. I mean the average joe's that went in and bought copies of Vista.. there are alot of them.. so not everyone thinks Vista is still garbage.. myself included.. ;)

just as a chinese saying goes ,i take 7 year to create a knife

Actually the days of "Complete OS'es" with everything included are probably (unfortunately) numbered.

The real business model is to provide a minimal "Framework" and then make a charge for "Premium Content". You can see this already starting with Internet providers -- The "Unlimited usage" models are gradually being replaced by Pay extra for "super dooper" fast download with xGB per month download in the base price and every yGB exceeding the original xGb charged more.,etc etc.

Even on the Net --how many times for example do you look for a driver --only to be directed to a "paid for" site containing "less ads, faster service or more content".

Windows Live is a beginning of this model. After Office 2007 (and probably the next version) I'm sure Microsoft will offer Live versions only.

The Internet Only concepts might seem to be OK but we'll ALL pay more in the long run. - Corporate Greed is as constant as Death and Taxes.

If you like tinkering and still want to be able do do SOME things without having to be connected to the Internet then enjoy the next 2 or 3 years --after that it will be VERY different.



I think microsoft should stop all development of Windows altogether and wait another 6 years like they did with XP and release Singularity a non Windows based windows.

I have great suspicions all your posts are in gest .

so let me get this straight............ dump GUI for this ? Link Removed you are kidding right?

might as well be DOS:eek:

One final thought :)

Ok when you are in a company and things go wrong with your server or a computer you call on your engineers to resolve the issues .
When you have singularity who you gona call .. not ghost busters of course . You will be at the mercy of whichever and whoever runs your particular singularity . Until you can rely on them having the capacity to see there is no overload in the system - millions of customers and billions of money are at risk .
No longer just one company but many all connected to the one Singularity . I cannot see it working any time soon :)

I use MSM to get post from the forum as I guess many others do to . Well the message I have been getting all afternoon is -sorry due to unexpected demand etc - could not access my post .
Well I leave it in your court but think any talk of singularity lies way in the future .
Oh and you realie on truthfull answers when there is a server problem from your engineers . Will your cloud or singularity server be as truthfull ?

Who in there right mind puts all there eggs in one basket ?

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Though Apple is increasing it's presence in the overall market share as far as OS's are concerned, MS still has over 90%... so yeah.. Apple has got a long ways to go before MS needs to worry... ;) And as much as people bitch about Vista .. it has sold millions of copies... it's always the same thing with Windows. it always has been and always will be.. people will bitch and whine about it, but those same people will go out and buy it.. even if it's just because they feel they have no other choice or whatever stupid reason, the point is, they still go out and buy it... so as long as people continue to buy Windows, Microsoft will continue to produce new versions of Windows.. like it or not.. it's the truth... :)

People bought new computers that came with Vista pre-installed. That's the reason there are so many copies of Vista out there. Other than that people have been shying away from it all along.

Of course, computer geeks go out and get every new thing that comes along but the average computer user doesn't like new software.

I have to admit that I like Windows 7 a lot. Since I installed it I have totally stopped using XP x64 that is dual booted on my system. I kinda liked Vista too but I never liked it more than XP.

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