Starting up the Summer with a little Small Basic


Extraordinary Robot
Jun 27, 2006
Chicago, IL
With the summer upon us for our Monday posts, I think we're going to less Visual Studio extension stuff and more game stuff and/or "oh my god, my kids are making me crazy, give me something that will keep them busy!" stuff.

To kick this off, we're revisiting Small Basic. We've mentioned it before, There's nothing small or basic about this map on becoming a "Dev" and good coder using Small Basic, yet today we're going to take a step back and give you a higher level view and a ton of links from Nonki Takahashi to get you started...

Small Basic - Resources for Game Programming

Microsoft Small Basic program language is for learning programming. If you've already understood programming, you may would like to start game programming. Today, I'd like to introduce some resources for game programming in Small Basic.

TechNet Wiki Articles

Blog Posts

Forum Threads


All these books are written by Philip Conrod and Lou Tylee.


Popular Small Basic Games


[click through to see more]

What is Small Basic? (About Small Basic)

Programming is Fun, again!

Microsoft Small Basic puts the "fun" back into computer programming. With a friendly development environment that is very easy to master, it eases both kids and adults into the world of programming.


Small Basic combines a friendly environment with a very simple language and a rich and engaging set of libraries to make your programs and games pop. In a matter of few lines of code, you will be well on your way to creating your very own game!

With a new and revolutionary IntelliSense®, Small Basic makes writing code a breeze.


Share your programs with your friends; let them import your published programs and run them on their computer. Using the Silverlight player, you can even post your games on your blogs and websites for them to play your creations in the browser.


Learn the programming concepts starting with the fundamentals and move your way up. Small Basic is based on .NET and what you learn here could be easily applied to other .NET programming languages like Visual Basic. And when you do graduate to Visual Basic, you can bring your existing programs with you using a built-in conversion utility.

Here’s a few more links you might find interesting:

Small Basic Program Gallery (listed by Category)
Small Basic Extension Gallery
Small Basic Forum
Small Basic on TechNet Wiki (all articles)
Small Basic Site

Student Testimonies
Catch us on Facebook

Need Help?
Tutorial (PDF)
Reference Documentation

Programming e-Books
Developer Reference
Beginning Small Basic

That should be enough to get you started!

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