Strange emails from your system :(


New Member
Jun 6, 2009
I've had 2 spurious emails sent from here but with Nobody <[email protected]> the sender. Both are stating that a post I put up 3 years ago has been deleted. Wasn't overly concerned but just curious as the msg was apparently generated as a private msg to me hence wondered if it was site pruning or something. But the post is still there & there's no actual msgs in my Inbox. WEIRD!!!! Anyone any knowledge on the possible cause?

Thanks Randy - figured it was maybe something like that but equally wondered whether it was some form of spam or hack from your system that I maybe needed to check on. Appreciate you taking the time to clarify it. :)

Not at all. Thank you for being so observant and bringing the matter up for discussion.
You know what they say..... If you see something, say something.
Thanks Again.
