
New Member
Oct 29, 2010
I am running Windows 7 Ultimate on a virtual machine on an iMac using VMWare Fusion. Everything went fine up to the moment I installed Windows Live Essentials 2011 some 2 months ago. When I tried to start a program such as Live Mail, my mouse froze and I had to stop the virtual machine manually to get out at all. After restarting I kept getting this horrible message " ComponentOne XarrayDB Object - trial period will expire then and then". This popup appears every time I go to the internet using certain browsers, whenever I try to install new software etc.

Has anybody had a similar problem? The only thing I can think of that I might have done wrong, after installing Windows Live Essentials 2011 I didn't restart the PC before hitting the Live Mail icon.

Thanks for any hints on how to get out of this mess. Note Live Mail isn't that essential to me, most important, I want to get rid of the popup.

I believe ComponentOne is something to do with Silverlight, amongst others.

Here's what I would do, and I emphasise what I would do.

Download Revo uninstaller free.
Search for ComponentOne files, especially .exe files
If I find any ComponentOne "bits", install Revo Uninstaller.
Create a System Restore point either through Revo Uninstaller or manually.
Force uninstall of ComponentOne.
Open Regedit.exe, search for ComponentOne entries and delete any found.

As I say, that's what I would do.
Hi there, have you tried re-installing Live Essentials? If that fails then perhaps a system restore to a point before installation could be a solution?

Thanks Kemical,

I tried indeed to reinstall Live Essentials 2011 with the same unfortunate result, i.e my mouse froze and I couldn't run any one of the involved programs such as Live Mail etc. So, I deinstalled Live Essentials 2011 again, however, the popup keeps coming saying the trial period of ComponentOne etc. has now been 79 days.

A system restore beyond the point when I first got the popup is unfortunately not possible, for some reason my PC doesn't seem to save many reset points.

It seems I am stuck with this popup. I don't want to reinstall Windows 7. Could one try with RegEdit, this is probably risky for a layman?

Hope I don't trouble you too much. From what I know this nuisance seems to happen quite frequently.

Are you sure it isn't something in the VMware since it mentions trial period? Did you test it with the Essentials uninstalled? I have VMware Workstation and use Avast on the guests.

I believe ComponentOne is something to do with Silverlight, amongst others.

Here's what I would do, and I emphasise what I would do.

Download Revo uninstaller free.
Search for ComponentOne files, especially .exe files
If I find any ComponentOne "bits", install Revo Uninstaller.
Create a System Restore point either through Revo Uninstaller or manually.
Force uninstall of ComponentOne.
Open Regedit.exe, search for ComponentOne entries and delete any found.

As I say, that's what I would do.

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I found this Link Removed Use any ComponentOne software? Link Removed due to 404 Error

Hello Joe and Elmer,

I am not aware I am using any ComponentOne software unless it was installed together with another program (of which I am not aware).

I did try Elmer's suggestion, downloading and running REVO, however, REVO found no program file relating to ComponentOne. I guess I'll try regedit next.

The popup sounds like something you get with trial software. Could it be anything on your Mac that VMware might have picked up on like a scanner? Did you look on the VMware forums? Unless some type of graphic software is on Windows is doesn't make sense. When I searched ComponentOne it was all graphic related.

Hello Joe,

I searched VM related issues and tried a few registry cleaning 3d party products, however, no luck. The popup keeps coming, at the end it always says " Control was installed some .... days ago". There is nothing I could think of to deinstall, just at a loss. If you folks don't have a bright idea anymore, I may have to reinstall Windows.:(

Thanks Kemical,

I tried indeed to reinstall Live Essentials 2011 with the same unfortunate result, i.e my mouse froze and I couldn't run any one of the involved programs such as Live Mail etc. So, I deinstalled Live Essentials 2011 again, however, the popup keeps coming saying the trial period of ComponentOne etc. has now been 79 days.

A system restore beyond the point when I first got the popup is unfortunately not possible, for some reason my PC doesn't seem to save many reset points.

It seems I am stuck with this popup. I don't want to reinstall Windows 7. Could one try with RegEdit, this is probably risky for a layman?

Hope I don't trouble you too much. From what I know this nuisance seems to happen quite frequently.

After some googling I found a little app which should remove the pop-up. Download the attached file and run. This is in relation to this link here:
Link Removed

Hello there,

thanks for the quick reply, however, no luck so far. I ran C1LicBomb.exe by double click whereupon the program said it cannot find any license to remove. What shall I do next or do I give up?
