Master Chief

New Member
Apr 15, 2009
Here's a cool application made for Windows 7 that changes the way the taskbar works in two ways. The first is that, by default, if there are multiple instances of one application open, a single left click on the app's icon displays the thumbnail previews of all the windows in that application, and an additional click on a thumbnail restores the window. Taskbar Overlord changes it so that a single left click on the application's icon in the taskbar restores the last active window of that application. The second change is that, by default, middle clicking the icon of an application opens a new instance of that application. Taskbar Overlord changes it so that middle clicking the icon closes all instances of that application (a new instance can still be opened by Shift+Left click).

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Isn't that an already existing feature for Win7 BETA 7127?

Thats all already built in :confused: it has been since the first public beta i think, it is definitely in the RC.

As the author of Taskbar Overlord, I am quite certain that this functionality has not been built in since the beta, nor is it present in the RC. However, I would be thrilled if this was available in the latest build. I'd also be shocked, as the idea of Microsoft making changes at this stage of the game is hard to believe.

Can anyone actually confirm that you can configure this in the latest builds?

This wording can easily be misunderstood if it isn't read entirely.

Here's a cool application made for Windows 7 that changes the way the taskbar works in two ways. The first is that, by default, if there are multiple instances of one application open, a single left click on the app's icon displays the thumbnail previews of all the windows in that application, and an additional click on a thumbnail restores the window...The second change is that, by default, middle clicking the icon of an application opens a new instance of that application.

Yes, that's actually misworded... A single click just cycles through the windows when using Taskbar Overlord. And yes, Windows 7 does (and has since the beta) shown the thumbnails when left clicking.

Ahh, that explains it - i was thinking something was wrong :-)
