
New Member
Oct 4, 2006
I'm so frustrated... I've been scouring the Net for a solution to my problem, and couldn't find anything that applied to my problem, so I decided to beg for help here :rolleyes:

Anyway, the problem is that every time that I boot Vista (Build 5600 RC1 x64), I get a low-res screen that plainly says, "xmnt2002 program not found - skipping AUTOCHECK." This had been happening before, but after the error appeared a line appeared below it that consisted of dots being drawn across the screen and everything loaded perfectly. It was only today after I tried to rearrange the partitions on my HD using an Ubuntu Live CD (as it's the only thing that works... most of the time though the power was cut off during a partitioning process just before all of my woes occured, and everything else I use just asks for a reboot and does SQUAT) that those dots aren't appearing and Vista just hangs there. I tried booting into safe mode, but after the drivers are done loading it just hangs (I know it says, "Please wait", but I waited there for hours with no effect.) I tried repairing... but the Vista install DVD (that worked flawlessly before) just says, "Loading files", then has a little loading animation and then goes to a blank screen instead of the expected GUI. I tried using my XP disc to check for errors in the recovery cosole, but I can't log in as admin because I don't know the password :mad: I then tried to boot into my XP install (Vista seems to completely ignore it, though, as it boots before the Acronis OS Selector launches), but the Acronis rescue disk won't launch any of the programs, including the OS Selector... they all just launch to blank screens.

So... I'd say that I've exhausted pretty much all of my options for getting my PC to work at all (that I know of, anyway... but that's why I'm here :)) Alas, may I grovel at your expert feet as I wait patiently for the response that will save me. It is urgent, though. That PC cost me $1500 and I'll be damned if it doesn't work.

I'm at the verge of tears... please HELP ME!!!


when you lost power you corupted some of the boot file you will have to find them or just reinstall windows again.

when you lost power you corupted some of the boot file you will have to find them or just reinstall windows again.

Check for Vista Beta Drivers

Since I own an nVIDIA card i do not know if this aplies to ATI cards but,

nVIDIA has beta drivers for all their graphics cards that is designed for windows vista. I would try these beta drivers before attempting a reinstall

I will have to agree with the re-install option. it really sucks that you will loose files... unless you go get another HDD to install the OS, then hook up your problem drive as a secondary HDD. you might be able to fix the files that way, or at least recover most of them. you might also want to invest in a UPS device, you'll have enough time to shut down your computer before the outage does it for you.
Happy Teching!
