
New Member
Nov 5, 2009
I just upgraded from Vista 64 Ultimate to Win7 Ultimate. Just want to give you all a head's up regarding my experience. I had two failed upgrade attempts (got to the end and then Win7 setup would revert back to reinstall Vista).

The problem was that I needed to update my Intel Chipset drivers and my Intel Storage Matrix Manager. Once this was done, my upgrade was flawless. I was impressed since I have a dual boot system with Vista on Raid 0 and XP on single Raptor drive. Win7 setup handled installing to the Raid just fine (once I had upgraded the Storage Matrix Manager).

That said, it is disappointing that NEITHER the "Upgrade Advisor" or the "Compatibility Checker" prompted me to update the Intel drivers.

Just as I was going to throw in the towel on the upgrade, I Googled up a driver checker site and it was how I discovered the need to update those two items. Pretty sad that the Microsoft checkers only told me I needed to update itunes :rolleyes:.

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I'm still having trouble installing it.
