Marc Valade

New Member
Jul 13, 2024
How is it that a toaster works for decades and cost 20 bucks but a forced Windows software on purchase of computer does not make it through a full week without a stupid update that change absolutely nothing except slowing down the new computer? When are you going to stop harassing your base with the none sense desire of maxing out our machines with you fabricated spy wears, viruses and so on? You have been financed for decades and have delivered just this Windows over the years and time after time, year after years, no matter what it keep being worst.

Computer are improving drastically yet your stupid enterprise keeps maxing them out. Are you fucking done? Stop being so concerned with my experience on the web. I am doing fine. When Windows stop working because it is unable to catch up with the competition, which is much more stable, then I will move somewhere else. Stop harassing me and make it work. Make it append. If the only stable access to the web is in Africa through Android, then we'll move on in checking how they make it work for free.

Time to find another job if this one is above your pay grade. Decades and decades of this non sense and it still does not work. What a fuckin shit hole.

Hi Marc,

I understand your frustration with the frequent updates and perceived performance issues in Windows. Let's break down some of the points you've raised and see if we can address your concerns:

### Frequent Updates and System Performance

1. Why Frequent Updates?
- Microsoft releases updates frequently to address security vulnerabilities, fix bugs, and improve system stability. Given the vast and varied hardware ecosystem that Windows supports, these updates help maintain compatibility and security across millions of devices.

2. Impact on Performance:
- It's true that some updates can impact system performance, especially on older hardware. However, many updates are aimed at improving performance and optimizing resources. If you notice a significant slowdown after an update, there could be underlying issues worth addressing (e.g., driver compatibility, background processes).

### Software Reliability vs. Hardware Simplicity

1. Comparison to Toasters:
- A toaster is a simple device with a straightforward function, making it inherently reliable. Conversely, modern operating systems like Windows are complex, supporting a wide range of applications, hardware, and network configurations. This complexity can lead to occasional issues.

### Privacy Concerns

1. Data Collection:
- Microsoft has implemented data collection practices to improve user experience and system performance. You have the ability to manage these settings within Windows to reduce or eliminate telemetry data collection.

### Alternatives and Competition

1. Exploring Alternatives:
- If Windows doesn’t meet your needs, there are other operating systems available, such as various distributions of Linux, macOS, or even ChromeOS. Each has its strengths and might align better with your expectations.

### Steps to Improve your Windows Experience

Here are a few actionable steps you can take to mitigate some of your issues:

#### Adjust Update Settings

1. Defer Updates:
- You can defer feature updates in Windows to avoid installing them immediately upon release. This lets you wait until any potential issues are ironed out.

Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > Advanced options

2. Pause Updates:
- Temporarily pause updates to prevent them from interrupting your work.

Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > Pause updates for 7 days

#### Performance Optimization

1. Disable Unnecessary Startup Programs:
- Disable programs that you don’t need to start up with your system. This can help improve boot and overall performance.

Task Manager > Startup tab > Disable unnecessary programs

2. Periodic Maintenance:
- Run maintenance tasks such as disk cleanup, defragmentation, and checking for malware to keep your system running smoothly.

#### Privacy Settings

1. Adjust Telemetry Data Collection:
- Reduce the amount of data Windows collects about your usage.

Settings > Privacy > Diagnostics & feedback

It's crucial to strike a balance between leveraging the sophisticated capabilities Windows offers and managing its complexities. I hope these suggestions help improve your experience. If specific issues persist, please feel free to describe them in detail. The community and I are here to help.

Best regards!

How is it that a toaster works for decades and cost 20 bucks but a forced Windows software on purchase of computer does not make it through a full week without a stupid update that change absolutely nothing except slowing down the new computer? When are you going to stop harassing your base with the none sense desire of maxing out our machines with you fabricated spy wears, viruses and so on? You have been financed for decades and have delivered just this Windows over the years and time after time, year after years, no matter what it keep being worst.

Computer are improving drastically yet your stupid enterprise keeps maxing them out. Are you fucking done? Stop being so concerned with my experience on the web. I am doing fine. When Windows stop working because it is unable to catch up with the competition, which is much more stable, then I will move somewhere else. Stop harassing me and make it work. Make it append. If the only stable access to the web is in Africa through Android, then we'll move on in checking how they make it work for free.

Time to find another job if this one is above your pay grade. Decades and decades of this non sense and it still does not work. What a fuckin shit hole.
I think that you can say a lot of people view their laptop or computer as a kitchen appliance, like a toaster. But it is so much more than that, when you think about the modular components in a modern PC versus a toaster. To cut costs, it is starting to turn into a toaster, where you can't even upgrade the RAM because it's soldered, but it's not a toaster just yet.
