Windows Vista Vista in endless reboot loop- cannot boot


New Member
Apr 9, 2009
Here is my problem: whenever I turn on my computer, vista goes into a reboot loop. The computer restarts a few seconds after I get to the login screen (letting me enter in at least part of my password). The problem is not solved when I press the power button, which makes it impossible to turn the computer on. I tried booting into safe mode. The same thing happened. To clarify: this did not happen after an update and I have had this setup for years. Before this problem occurred, my computer was very slow and something seemed to be taking up all of the CPU resources. A scan with Trend Micro, Malwarebytes, and Spybot S&D turned up nothing, although I was not able to update any of them. ( confirmed that my network connection was good.) Decided to reboot and hope for the best. One more thing: when the computer was shutting down, I got numerous errors that said something along the lines of "STOP 0x00000007b". Am currently running Ubuntu on partition.

Anyone have a diagnosis?

Have you tried googling the error?

Sorry it's not much of an answer...

Have you tried booting with the vista disk and running repair function?

Have you tried booting with the vista disk and running repair function?

I bought this computer pre-installed with vista. They are one of those companies that do not ship the vista disk with the computer.

They should supply a disk though.. can you contact them at all?

I'm going to send you a pm with some more info so please look out for it..
