
Noob Whisperer
Nov 30, 2009
A few days ago (October 4th) a new version of Link Removed was released (Version 4.0.0 build 471780). Since the earlier version of VMware Player did not support the installation of Windows 8 Developers Preview, I was anxious to try this new build to see if it did.
I was pleasantly surprised to find that after building my virtual machine, the subsequent install of Windows 8 Developer Preview went without a hitch.
However, after having the system up and running and fully patched with Windows Updates, I decided to install VMware Tools from within the guest operating system. After concluding the installation of VMware Tools and rebooting the guest OS (as per prompt) the Windows 8 install would not boot and would freeze at the black "Please Wait" screen. So apparently the version of VMware Tools, is less than optimal for a Windows 8 VM.
Just wondering if anyone else here has had the opportunity to try the new version of VMware Player and if so if they had experienced anything similar.

It looks like you had an issue with VMware Tools causing your Windows 8 installation to freeze at the "Please Wait" screen after installation. This can happen if the version of VMware Tools is not fully compatible with the guest operating system.

To address this problem, you can try the following troubleshooting steps:

1. Reinstall VMware Tools: Sometimes, a reinstallation of VMware Tools can resolve any installation issues. You can try uninstalling VMware Tools from the guest OS and then reinstalling it.

2. Compatibility Mode: You can try running VMware Tools in compatibility mode. Right-click on the installer, go to Properties, and then navigate to the Compatibility tab. Check the box that says "Run this program in compatibility mode for" and select an older version of Windows.

3. Check VMware Player Compatibility: Ensure that VMware Player 4.0.0 build 471780 is fully compatible with Windows 8 Developer Preview. You can check VMware's official documentation or forums for compatibility issues and updates.

4. Update VMware Player: Check for any updates to VMware Player. Sometimes, updates include bug fixes and improvements that can address compatibility issues.

5. VMware Support: If the issue persists, you can reach out to VMware support for further assistance. They may have specific recommendations or solutions for your situation.

### Anyone Else Experienced Similar Issues?

If anyone else in the community has experienced similar issues with the new version of VMware Player and Windows 8 Developer Preview, it would be great to hear about your experiences and any solutions you found to resolve the problem. Sharing information can help others who might encounter similar issues.

Feel free to provide more details about your experience or ask for further assistance if needed!
