If using the Desktop shortcut to start the install fails, perhaps the download was corrupted. If you got the e-mail, is it supposed to have a link to re-download. I suppose right now, you never get to the part of the install where it offers to make media?

If you want to know where the installer is located, check the properties of the shortcut. It should be somewhere inside the User\YourUser\AppData folder, which is hidden normally.

Just in case, you might open Disk Management and use the snipping tool to take a picture of the window, including the graphical part. That might help us see a problem.

Without the Disc:
Download the .ISO. Burn that image to DVD. Shut the machine down, Restart, insert the DVD & install from outside the existing OS.
I can't tell if you are trying, wanting to keep 7 and dual-boot (as well) to Windows 8. If so, tell Win8 to which drive you want it to install.

IF, you are overwriting the existing OS then again, run the Win8 DVD from outside the existing OS. Tell it what you want kept & let it go onto the same drive as the existing OS.

You do not install from the desktop. I suggest the installER has been saved to your desktop. You have to burn a DVD & install using that from outside the existing OS.

With the Disc:
Same thing... Start the machine up with the DVD inserted and install from outside the existing OS. At the onset of the installation tell it where, on what drive or partition to be and what to keep from the previous OS.

I trust this helps and clarifies. The installation of Windows 8 is smooth, easy and quick; the basic OS installs in about 15 to 20 mins.

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Dan, I might be able to help as I dual-boot now & have dual & triple booted various OSs for a long time.

1st confirm for me that I have this straight... you have 2 physically separate & distinct HDDs, right? 1, henceforth, I'll call Data drive and the other has 7 & a 50G partition for 8. If I have that all correct, here's my recommendation:

In the Win7 machine/OS, in Disc Mg't find the 50 G drive/partition. Format it.

Physically unplug the Data drive. You can reconnect after the Win8 install is done OR after it fails, again...just kidding.

Now, take your Win8 DVD & install to that 50G drive/partition. When done it will use the Win8 boot mgr and in msconfig you will see both boot paths & can make 8 or 7 the default in terms of boot order.

Please, let me know if I understood you correctly & if my suggestions have worked for you. Thanks.

BTW, I would consider 50G as minimum for size; once you start loading in programs & other software, well, it's none too big, you understand.

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