Waterproof Notepad Helps You Record Ideas in the Shower


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Waterproof Notepad Helps You Record Ideas in the Shower

Some people do their best scrubbing in the shower; others do their best thinking.

Just ask Mark Knudsen, a Michigan-based, self-professed "shower thinker" with a penchant for coming up with great ideas while showering.

A couple of years ago, Knudsen's watery brainstorming habit led to something big: the invention of a simple little novelty that helps shower thinkers like himself record their every thought mid-cleansing.

After a "splash" of genius in his very own shower, Knudsen created "AquaNotes," a nontoxic, recyclable, waterproof notepad designed to withstand exposure to moisture.

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He created an eco-friendly waterproof pencil to go with the notepad, added some standard suction cups to both items and stuck them up on the wall in his shower.

This way, even as the water pounded down on him, Knudsen could record any and all grand ideas that came to him, without a single thought going down the drain.

"I always came up with my best ideas in the shower but could never remember them once I got out," Knudsen told AOL News.

"I was in the consulting business, so these little spurts of information would come to me randomly. I used to keep a regular notebook and pen on the edge of my bathtub just in case I came up with something, but my notes would get so soggy, they were illegible. I had to come up with a better solution."

Knudsen admitted his initial idea for recording his thoughts while showering was a total bust.

He said he would yell his ideas from the shower and ask his wife to write them down from the other side of the door, which proved to be exhausting -- and extremely annoying -- for both parties.

"Finally it dawned on me that I needed to invent a waterproof notepad. Ever since we started making AquaNotes, my showers have been much more relaxing," Knudsen said with a laugh.

"Plus, my poor wife doesn't have to run in with paper and a pencil to help me anymore."

Besides making his life a whole lot easier, it seems Knudsen's quirky creation is also benefiting fellow shower thinkers.

Knudsen said AquaNotes -- available at myaquanotes.com starting at $6.99 -- has made quite a splash with creative-minded customers such as writers, artists, entrepreneurs, businessmen, professors, songwriters, musicians and comedians.

"I've gotten a lot of feedback from professionals in creative industries. They use AquaNotes to jot down random ideas for work that come to them while showering. I've heard it all -- from songwriters who use the notepad to jot down song lyrics to comedians who use it to write down new jokes," explained Knudsen.

Unlike his previous experiences scribbling on soggy paper, Knudsen said AquaNotes stays sturdy and easy to write on in the shower because the water just beads up and rolls right off the pages.

Knudsen said all that's left is a perfectly legible memo that can be torn off the perforated pad and taken wherever it needs to go.

"AquaNotes is also a hit with moms. They use it to write grocery lists, to-do lists, or remind themselves of relatives' birthdays. I also had a mom tell me that she used her notepad to write messages to her teenage son who was going through puberty. She would leave notes in the shower reminding him to wash his armpits extra carefully," said Knudsen.

He noted that AquaNotes have also found a fanbase among field workers, especially at construction sites. Since they never know what the weather will bring on the job, Knudsen said workers take their notes and sketches on AquaNotes just to be safe.

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Additionally, he said college students use the notepads for last-minute cramming or studying in the shower.

Couples have also been known to use the pages to leave each other sweet messages, so Knudsen created a separate product called "LoveNotes." That water-resistant pad comes with a red pencil so lovebirds can make their shower notes extra romantic.

In the end, it appears Knudsen has helped solve a pretty common dilemma.

Since introducing his product online, Knudsen said numerous grateful shower thinkers have come forward, proving that many of us really do have flashes of brilliance while using the loofah.

We don't all just sing in the shower.

"The shower is the one place you visit every day that's completely isolated. You have no other distractions in there -- no cell phone, iPod, TV or Internet -- so it's easy to totally relax and let your thoughts take over. I think that's why some people do their best work in the shower," Knudsen said. "Your subconscious is constantly generating ideas, so maybe a quiet, relaxing shower brings out the best ones."

To keep the bright ideas flowing and increase productivity during shower time, Knudsen is designing an even bigger waterproof notepad next.

While he hasn't yet heard of customers taking longer showers because of major brainstorming sessions on AquaNotes, the bigger notepad might change that.

"Maybe someone will soak in the bathtub and start writing a book on it," joked Knudsen. "Or a screenplay."

After all, what's a few water wrinkles on the skin when you may be coming up with the world's next big book, movie, song or invention?
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