Windows 10 Weird Win 10 Problem


New Member
Sep 20, 2019
So when my Win 10 laptop goes to sleep because of inactivity, or I put it to sleep, when I then log back in, a session of pops up?
I never use Bing. Any idea why this is happening?

This happened with the last major update to Windows 10. If you don't want Bing, there are articles online about disabling and/or removing it.

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Most likely there is a scheduled task firing on a "Wake Event"

Open Powershell and copy/paste the following and run it
Get-ScheduledTask | ? { $_.Triggers -like "*TaskEventTrigger*" } That will tell you which scheduled tasks trigger from an event.

From there you can look at those scheduled tasks and the Trigger will be like this
A little more complicated Powershell, but this will just tell you which one has the Wake from Sleep Event
Get-ScheduledTask | ? { $_.Triggers -like "*TaskEventTrigger*" } | % { $event = $_; $_.Triggers | % { if($_.SubScription -like "*Power-Trouble*"){$event } } }
@Neemobeer, how can we disable such things? I would appreciate step by step instructions, if more than one step is necessary.

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You can just open scheduled tasks locate the task from the command above and right click it and select Disable or Delete
A little more complicated Powershell, but this will just tell you which one has the Wake from Sleep Event
Get-ScheduledTask | ? { $_.Triggers -like "*TaskEventTrigger*" } | % { $event = $_; $_.Triggers | % { if($_.SubScription -like "*Power-Trouble*"){$event } } }

I get no response back from the above command?
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