Windows 7 where in the world is the start menu folders??


Extraordinary Member
Jan 14, 2009
can someone tell me where all the pieces are (folders) for the start menu???

I found one at C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
which contains some of what appears in the start menu.

Obviously, I found another because I modified (as I can see in the start menu) but I but forgot where it is.


C:/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/

username start menu profiles are now stored in
[C:/Users/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/Startup/


one more - the list that first comes up when one opens the start menu
Where can I find that?

Unfortunately, you cannot. It is a combination of the two mentioned in my earlier post, plus, in just a few cases, some in the "hidden" or inaccessible start menus scattered around. before you ask! I have no idea why MS would want to develop this complicated issue. In XP and Vista, if you wished to customised you start menu at the Advanced level, it tok you straight to the default path.
I am a customising freak. I was so disturbed by this "new" feature, that I even bugged it on the Technet forums some weeks ago. No one has responded!!

Unfortunately, you cannot. It is a combination of the two mentioned in my earlier post, plus, in just a few cases, some in the "hidden" or inaccessible start menus scattered around. before you ask! I have no idea why MS would want to develop this complicated issue. In XP and Vista, if you wished to customised you start menu at the Advanced level, it tok you straight to the default path.
I am a customising freak. I was so disturbed by this "new" feature, that I even bugged it on the Technet forums some weeks ago. No one has responded!!

I would like to ask you, if I had understood your post properly. Is not possible to customize the start menu. Is that right? I am trying to do it already quite long time. Damn :(

Oh yes. It is very easy to , for example, create new folders in the path I have given. You can then return to the original start menu and drag and drop to the end of your days. Thewre is a customise option, if you scroll down, to enable drag and drop.
Here is mine for example, by applying this method.

Thanks dave--

Thank you for your help. I was doing it in XP and Vista too, but here I had problems, when I was renaming the folder located in Program data... It wrote me always that the folder is in use and I can't change the name. I was trying also to change the read-only status, but after applying it and closing properties of the folder. It was again the same. But now I maybe find the way, how to organize it. I will be creating and renaming folders in the C:/Users/.../Start menu/Programs and I will be moving and organizing it directly in Start menu.
