Windows 7 where to get w7


New Member
Feb 28, 2009
where can i get a newer version of w7 i have the first beta and i would like to use w7 past august

If you are looking to upgrade to a newer version of Windows 7 beyond the beta version you currently have, you may consider obtaining the final release version of Windows 7. Here are a few options to explore:

1. Purchase a License: You can purchase a legitimate license for Windows 7 from authorized retailers or Microsoft directly. This will give you access to the full version of Windows 7 without any limitations.

2. Upgrade from Beta to Final Release: If you currently have the beta version of Windows 7, you may be able to upgrade to the final release version by obtaining an official upgrade package from Microsoft. This will allow you to transition from the beta version to the fully supported version.

3. Check Online Marketplaces: Some online marketplaces may still offer genuine copies of Windows 7 for sale. Be cautious when buying from third-party sellers to ensure you are purchasing a legitimate copy.

4. Use Alternate Channels: You can also check with local computer stores or other authorized software retailers to see if they have any remaining stocks of Windows 7.

It's important to note that Microsoft has officially ended support for Windows 7. This means that there are no more security updates or technical support provided for this operating system. Upgrading to a more recent version of Windows that is still supported, such as Windows 10 or Windows 11, is recommended for better security and compatibility with newer software and hardware.
