Which application can edit Legacy-BIOS settings?


Senior Member
Jan 28, 2020
This discussion is about editing motherboard settings using Windows utilities. Which Windows applications can edit Legacy-BIOS settings and boot order entries?
Low Hanging Fruit: I already know Windows applications to edit UEFI boot order settings, there is PA and Easy-UEFI. They can change UEFI settings without going into the motherboard UEFI menu.
However I am not asking about modern motherboards, I am asking about old Legacy-BIOS PCs.

Unless you have a very old computer circa < 2005 your computers are UEFI and you don't really edit any of those settings within the operating system. Tools like EasyUEFI are only editing the settings exposed with in the operating system boot loader and not the actual motherboard firmware.

Unless you have a very old computer circa < 2005 your computers are UEFI and you don't really edit any of those settings within the operating system. Tools like EasyUEFI are only editing the settings exposed with in the operating system boot loader and not the actual motherboard firmware.
"Unless you have a very old computer circa < 2005"
While it is true that UEFI was standardized in about 2005, it took years to mass produce the newer UEFI motherboards, some Legacy BIOS-only devices did not stop being made until about 2011.
"your computers are UEFI"
You are answering a different question than the one I am asking. I know the system I am working on, and I was clear I am asking about Legacy-BIOS, not UEFI-CSM, not UEFI-nonCSM.

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