Will Windows 10 future Proof Current Software and Hardware?


Senior Member
May 20, 2016
Microsoft has announced that Windows10 will be the last version of Windows.

Historically, not all programs are compatible with newer versions of Windows.

For example: You cannot install or run older games or software from Windows95 on Windows10 due to compatibility issues. Not only that, but you cannot install Windows95 OS on certain new modern hardware. In the day and age where technology is advancing ever so quickly, If Windows10 is going to be the last version of Windows, will current games and software (Not from the Windows Store) made for Windows10 be compatible with Windows10 after 50 years later from now? Will I be able to play Dead Island, a game made in 2011 that currently works well on Windows10, be playable after 50 years later from now? Will I be able to run AnimeStudio which currently works well on my Windows10, still run 50 years later from now? If Windows10 is really going to be the last version of Windows, I'd assume we won't have any software compatibility issues going forward with Windows10. Something that was not possible before.

But what about the Hardware compatibility moving forward? Will Windows10 run fine on today's current hardware 60 years later from now? Of course we'll have higher demanding programs by then in which there will be much more powerful hardware to handle it, but will Windows10 in it's core be fine running a 60 year old hardware when that time comes during Windows10's 60th Anniversary?

My idea of an ultimate OS is one that can run anything on anything. My hope is that OS would be Windows10. So I ask you these 2 questions:

Will Windows10 be future proofing software and hardware as explained above?
If so I'd like to know as this is something to look forward too.
Thank you!
Even if Windows sticks with 1 operating system, which I find unlikely, they will still have updates to it. All I can do is estimate what will happen, so anything is possible, but what I find probable is that Windows will stop charging for the latest operating system, although it will keep evolving. Windows 10 should be able to run your programs at any point, unless they change the architecture of windows, which is likely with the growth of artificial intelligence and virtual reality. However, future proofing hardware would be less likely, with the addition of updates and new features into Windows 10 the OS will need more ram and a better CPU all the time. Windows 10 may even do the opposite of future proofing hardware, unless you don't get any updates to Windows 10, in which case nothing is different from Windows 98 in that aspect, I still use a Windows 98 almost daily at my work and it runs just like it used to when I first used it. It has not been connected to the Internet in 10 years or more, which is the only reason why. So basically what I am saying is future proofing software is likely, but it will likely require better hardware faster than ever before.
You need to finish the sentence for the answer. "Microsoft has announced that Windows10 will be the last version of Windows, as we know it!
What was meant by that is future versions would be based on yearly subscriptions of the version and services of Windows you would need.
We have no idea if this will really happen or not but that was the plan behind that statement.