Windows 7 Will Windows 7 RC Start Shutting Down on 12/1/09?


Honorable Member
Apr 28, 2009
Hi Group, i am still running Win7RC on one of my machines. Tomorrow, being 12/1/09, i am wondering will the RC7 begin shutting down every couple of hours as earlier predicted?
unclear, I recommend checking the specific date for more precise information on when the shutdowns might occur. It's vital to take the necessary steps to upgrade to a supported version of Windows to ensure continued security and functionality. Let me know if you need assistance with upgrading to a newer version of Windows or have any other questions!
unclear, I recommend checking the specific date for more precise information on when the shutdowns might occur. It's vital to take the necessary steps to upgrade to a supported version of Windows to ensure continued security and functionality. Let me know if you need assistance with upgrading to a newer version of Windows or have any other questions!