Windows 10 Windows 10 HUGE problem, please help??


New Member
May 16, 2017
I accidentally checked the 'Read-only' attribute for one of the folders under 'Users' inside the C drive. I am not sure if this is the cause but here are the following symptoms.

1. I cannot even click the taskbar icons such as 'Start', 'Search' and others.
2. I cannot right-click any folder and file, and when I do there is loading icon that never stops then the window closes down.
3. When I hover the taskbar, it's stuck with a loading icon.
4. When I open the Task Manager, it's also stuck in a loading state.
5. All the programs pinned at the taskbar disappeared.
6. Nothing happens when I do the combo 'Windows key' + 'R' because I was supposed to run PowerShell.

I can open the Command Prompt and Control Panel using the 'Windows key' + 'X' combination. I tried the 'sfc/scannow' command twice but it says "Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations". I don't know what this means.

Please help. Thanks for reading.

Which folder did you "accidentally" click?

Perhaps this helps:
- open the command prompt
- in the command prompt type CD.. than type DIR
You should see something like

Directory of C:\Users
03-05-2017 22:19 <DIR> .
03-05-2017 22:19 <DIR> ..
03-05-2017 22:21 <DIR> Default.migrated
14-03-2017 19:03 <DIR> defaultuser0
05-05-2017 16:55 <DIR> your_name
10-05-2017 15:54 <DIR> Public
0 File(s) 0 bytes
7 Dir(s) bytes free

Than type
ATTRIB -R your_name

This should clear the read-only attribute
I will keep my fingers crossed

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Perhaps this helps:
- open the command prompt
- in the command prompt type cd.. than dir
You should see something like

Directory of C:\Users
03-05-2017 22:19 <DIR> .
03-05-2017 22:19 <DIR> ..
03-05-2017 22:21 <DIR> Default.migrated
14-03-2017 19:03 <DIR> defaultuser0
05-05-2017 16:55 <DIR> your_name
10-05-2017 15:54 <DIR> Public
0 File(s) 0 bytes
7 Dir(s) bytes free

Than try
ATTRIB -R your_name

This should clear the read-only attribute
I will keep my fingers crossed

I tried this one and I can't find the bolded folder name in the command prompt. Only Public and defaultuser0. However when I open the file explorer, the folder is there.

One of the user folders under 'Users'.
? there are very few there. Normally, you would see

If you are able to recall, select the properties again and see if you have "hidden" it.

What is listed with DIR in the directory C:\Users?
If there is some other user directory, then type ATTRIB other-name (sustitute other-name with the listed name)
If the ATTRIB listing shows an attribute (I expect R = read-only) than clear it with the -R option (use ATTRIB /? for help).
As Dave says, you may also find the attribute H (= hidden file), clear it with the -H option.

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If your on creators update, you can do fresh restart. Theres option in windows defender, it tooks just half our, and keeps your personal files, pictures, documents etc...Of course, it gone delete some aplication instaled by you, but its nothing bad, you can install it later, but you will have your windows 10 fresh like new, with creators update of course...[emoji4][emoji4][emoji4]

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