Windows 10 Windows 10 will not connect to certain websites after Upgrade


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
I upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10 over a month ago. I noticed immediately that I could not connect to certain websites, mainly https websites, such as financial sites. I never had this problem before. After researching online, I learned that I could flush the DNS cache and then connect. It would work for a few minutes and then I would have to flush the cache again. This happened for a few days and then the problem went away. It began again two days ago. I have other computers in the house running Windows 10 with no problem, so it is not a router or internal network problem. It just occurs on one machine. I have to run a Flush DNS utility several times to do banking, pay bills, etc. Very frustrating!

It was flushing the router. After spending some time trying various fixes, etc. I finally realized that it was my router all the time. The router is set up in my basement where I have another desktop. I swapped ports between machines and spent some time on that one to see if I could replicate the errors and I did. I then began jiggling the Ethernet cables at the router and began seeing that it would connect. I restarted that router and modem and everything worked for a while. I logged into the router and everything thing in the setup was correct. This morning I swapped that router out with an old one that I had and so far everything works consistently. It must have just been a fluke that this started when I upgraded the one machine to...
I thank all of you for your help as this was a real pain! I am going to buy a new router once I determine that this really was the problem. The old router works fine on the wired connections it's just not up to the latest wireless n specs.

It is possible your router has picked up some malware and a firmware reset would flush it out... if you already got a new one then nevermind mate.

Like many in this business I started out that way also and then one day I felt the calling and realized most were appreciative but some were abusing the situation so I "went rogue" and went into the business!:)

If you see mostly new pcs then what you say is highly possible but generally because I am a business, they mostly call me when their old clunker either quit or won't do something they need it to do.
Hi @RichM I'm happy you got the calling. I see every make and model here at Golden Oaks. I'm well paid with hugs and lots of home made goodies. I guess that is my calling. Any way I love what I do. God has blessed me financially and I don't need the money.
I paid Uncle Sam over 25,000$ this year, I didn't show all the peach cobblers I got from my seniors.
I have never heard of anyone being called to the computer business before. Congrats on that!;)

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