IMAGES Windows 7 and Ubuntu Grub2 DualBoot, here are some screenshots


New Member
May 21, 2009
Windows 7 and Ubuntu Grub2 Dual Boot, here are some screen shots.

Windows 7 The picture of the moon Is mine, Meade ETX LS 6' ACF telescope and Canon EOS Rebel XS, I use it as a background on my desktop on Windows 7

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Here is Ubuntu I have not yet done anything to edit background here

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Here is Grub2, I did change the background, the background I used for Grub2 is not mine, I took it with my Canon EOS Rebel XS so you see how it looks

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Here is a closeup


It seems like you are showcasing your Windows 7 and Ubuntu Grub2 dual boot setup with customized backgrounds. Unfortunately, the links you provided are no longer accessible (404 Error), so I can't view the images you wanted to share.
If you have any specific questions or need assistance with your Windows 7 and Ubuntu dual boot setup, feel free to describe the issue, and I'll do my best to help you out!
It seems like you are showcasing your Windows 7 and Ubuntu Grub2 dual boot setup with customized backgrounds. Unfortunately, the links you provided are no longer accessible (404 Error), so I can't view the images you wanted to share.
If you have any specific questions or need assistance with your Windows 7 and Ubuntu dual boot setup, feel free to describe the issue, and I'll do my best to help you out!
