Windows 7 Windows 7 BSOD


New Member
Jun 22, 2018
Hi to all,

It's about one month that, in an apparently random way, I obtain the BSOD some minutes after I turn the pc on.

The last time happened this morning; I have also the crash.dmp file produced by the crash.

How can i analyze the .dmp file to find the BSOD cause? It is safe to attach the .dmp file here?

Thank you very much,


*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 50, {fffff880068fca80, 1, fffff9600011de62, 0}

Could not read faulting driver name
Probably caused by : win32k.sys ( win32k!xxxSendMessageTimeout+12e )

Followup:     MachineOwner
of the two dump files sent, one would only open properly which is the one posted above...
A bugcheck 3B is often linked to system/driver corruption, excessive pooled memory useage and memory access errors. I can tell by the code here:
***STOP: 0x0000003B (0x00000000C0000005, 0xFFFFF8000351379E, 0xFFFFF8800C037730, 0x0000000000000000) that your bsod was caused when data held in memory couldn't be read or accessed because either the data or the memory itself was bad.
Reading the actual dump would help further but obviously as discussed one isn't present.

I hope all goes smoothly with the testing.

Hello again!

As planned, both mdsched and chkdsk has been executed.

mdsched - unfortunately, it was flawed:
The mdsched found some error... but it never finished. It was stuck at a certain percentage of completion. After 2 hours, it was stuck in the same percentage and the pc cooling fan was making a lot of noise, so I choosed to turn off the pc.

After the restart, the chkdsk started. This time, the checkdsk completed correctly. However, I cannot find any log file for mdsched / chkdsk, to do some analysis: do you know where can I find them?

Thank u,

You should be able to find both logs via the Event viewer.
How do I see the results of a CHKDSK that ran on boot? - Ask Leo!

As your memory flagged up as a possible culprit make sure the settings for memory is correct by visiting the bios and clicking 'Optimised defaults' (your bios may call it something slightly different).

You need to run Memtest86 to make sure it is your memory that's at fault. The following guide is easy to follow and uses either usb or disk:
How to Test PC RAM with MemTest86

I checked the Event Viewer, following the instructions.

I found the chkdsk log (attached), but the mdsched event is not present at all :(

In the eventviewer I also noticed many occurrences of this Error:

Origin: SetupARService
Event ID: 0
Category: None

Impossibile avviare il servizio. System.NullReferenceException: Riferimento a un oggetto non impostato su un'istanza di oggetto.
in SetupAfterRebootService.SetupARService.OnStart(String[] args)
in System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase.ServiceQueuedMainCallback(Object state)

I try a translation:

Error during service startup. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference is not poiting to any Object instance.
in SetupAfterRebootService.SetupARService.OnStart(String[] args)
in System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase.ServiceQueuedMainCallback(Object state)

I will check bios and the Memtest86 and let you know the results!


Looks like chkdsk corrected a few errors:

Checking the file system on C:
The file system is NTFS type.
The volume label is Packard Bell.

The disk will now be checked as planned.
The disk will now be checked.

Checking files in progress (step 1 of 5) ...
1232896 records of processed files. File verification completed.
1621 records of large files processed. 0 invalid file records processed. 0 EA records processed. 103 reparse records processed. Checking indexes in progress (phase 2 of 5) ...
1501976 processed index entries. Check indexes completed.
CHKDSK: Analysis of unindexed files is being performed for reconnection to its original directory.
1 unindexed files analyzed. Recovery of the orphaned file MpWppTracing-10142015-152229-00000003-ffffffff.bin (91876) in the 9883 directory file.
There is no DOS file name attribute in file 0x166e4.
Correction of non-serious file name errors in file 91876.
0 unindexed files restored. Verification of safety descriptors in progress (phase 3 of 5) ...
1232896 security descriptors / SID of processed files. Cleaning of 3139 unused entries from the $ SII index of file 0x9.
Cleaning of 3139 unused entries from the $ SDH index of file 0x9.
Cleaning unused safety descriptors 3139.
CHKDSK: the flow of safety descriptors is being complied with
134541 processed data files. CHKDSK is checking the USN journal ...
34774096 USN bytes processed. Verification of the USN journal completed.
Checking file data in progress (step 4 of 5)) ...
1232880 files processed. Verification of file data completed.
CHKDSK is checking the available space (step 5 of 5) ...
Free processed clusters: 68016150. Verification of available space completed.
CHKDSK has identified free disk space marked as
allocated in the master file table (MFT) bitmap.
Correction of errors in the bitmap of the volume.
Corrections made to the file system.

478099455 KB of total disk space.
204112164 KB in 1071560 files.
572604 KB in 134544 indexes.
0 KB in bad sectors.
1350083 KB in use by the system.
65536 KB occupied by the log file.
272064604 KB available on disk.

4096 bytes in each allocation unit.
119524863 total disk allocation units.
68016151 allocation units available on disk.

Internal information:
00 d0 12 00 5d 67 12 00 5a 09 22 00 00 00 00 00 ....] g..Z. ".....
22 0 to 00 00 67 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 "... g ...........
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................

Disk check completed.
Wait for the computer to restart.

Please run chkdsk again using the command found above. (Just to ensure that problems have been fixed)

Please run these scans to clear up any further corruption.

File scans
Please open an 'admin command prompt'. Type:
sfc /scannow
press enter and await results

In the same command prompt and after the above scan has finished type:
dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
Press enter and await results (longer this time).

If the first scan found files it could not repair but the second scan is successful, run the first scan again using the same command prompt box and this time it should repair the files found.

Hello again!

I've been busy lately, so I had no time to update this post.

Here's a summary of what happened in the last two months:

1) I executed chkdsk again as suggested, and chkdsk completed with no errors

2) I executed sfc /scannow in cmd executed as Administrator. It finished without errors. In the same command prompt I typed the command "dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth", but it returns the error 87 (the option /restorehealth is not recognized in this context):

C:\Windows\system32>dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
Strumento Gestione e manutenzione immagini distribuzione
Versione: 6.1.7600.16385
Versione immagine: 6.1.7601.18489
Errore: 87
L'opzione /restorehealth non è riconosciuta in questo contesto
Per ulteriori informazioni, fare riferimento alla Guida.
Il file di registro di Gestione e manutenzione immagini
distribuzione è disponibile in C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log

3) I checked BIOS, trying to search the option "Optimized default" or at least something similar to this. The only thing I've found is: Restore defaults settings. However, I restored the default settings.

4) I tried to run Memtest86 following the steps listed in the wikihow, but without success. Here's what I did: I downloaded the Memtest autoinstaller for USB key from the memtest site, I executed memtest and choosed my USB flash drive, also checking the recommended option to format the drive. The memtest log shown no error. I restarted my pc with the USB pen drive plugged in and, during the boot process, I typed F10 and I've opened the Boot Menu. Inside the boot menu, however, my USB key wasn't listed at all: I cannot choose the USB.

5) I executed again also the mdsched ( last time it was faulty ). This time, it finished without errors.

6) In the last two months, I had three BSOD in total. This time, I've the three dump files generated by windows (attached).

It seems that my pc is becoming unstable, BSOD are very frequent now :(

Maybe there is some clue about the error in the new dump files... ?

Thank you so much,


Hmm.. 3 bsod's in the last two months isn't really what you'd call 'frequent'. ;)

2) I executed sfc /scannow in cmd executed as Administrator. It finished without errors. In the same command prompt I typed the command "dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth", but it returns the error 87 (the option /restorehealth is not recognized in this context):
The reason this didn't finish is because DISM isn't part of Win 7, apologies. I sometimes forget.

Ideally you still need to run memtest86.

See if you can find your usb in the 'Boot order' and make sure it's the first in the list.

You can of course burn memtest86 to disk and run it that way.

Chrome caused at least one of the dump files so ensure your copy of Chrome is malware free, isn't running any unknown extensions and up to date.

Update your drivers particularly network.

Please post any new dump files and memtest results
