Windows 7 Windows 7 Lag


New Member
May 6, 2009

I just installed the RC version of windows 7 released on the MS website. When I close/open windows, there seems to be a slight lag, i.e. it doesn't close smoothly immediately, it sort of stumbles a little then closes. Same with typing, occassionally there would be some lag. I'm not running any other programs or anything during these lags. The window lags are basically constant, typing a bit better. I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this lag issue and can shed some light on how I can go about fixing it.

Here are my specs:
Quad core Q9550 2.83 GHz
8 GB DDR2 1066 RAM
Radeon 4870 HD

I installed the 64-bit windows 7 RC and went on the ATI website to download the latest driver.

Please help, thanks!

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Same Lagging Problem

I got the same issue where the transition between the open and closing of a window jitters/lags a bit and doesn't look smooth at all. My typing seems to be fine though, just the aero animations seem to be slow/buggy. I have a suspicion that its the ATI drivers, though I have gotten the latest 9.4 win7 beta drivers off of the official site. My only temporary solution for now is going into the visual settings and turning off the animations for minimizing and maximizing a window and sometimes the animations in the windows. That brings performance up a notch but it might just be a mental boost since I'm not witnessing my windows lag between opening and closing them.

My specs:

Intel P8400 @ 2.26GHz
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3470 @ 256MB (Driver version: 8.600)

I'm running the 32-bit version of the RC and have downloaded it twice from the Microsoft site to make sure it wasn't a corruption issue. Anyone else have this problem or have a solution?

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Haven't seen any problems with typing (haven't tried it much), but I had the exact same "problem" with the window close effect (turned it off now)

I'm running the 64bit RC...

Haven't seen any problems with typing (haven't tried it much), but I had the exact same "problem" with the window close effect (turned it off now)

I'm running the 64bit RC...

Can you elaborate a bit on the "cloisng of Windows" please? Do you experience this "lag in closing time" ( the OP says both opening and closing as well as typed characters appearing) in all of the applications say under All Programs or anything in particular for example Internet Explorer?

What types of Mouse and Keyboard are you using?I ncluding the exact make & model can improve the quality of the data for comparison.
Thank you.

By lag in closing effect, I mean the fade effect there is when you open/close windows (NOT the OS, but ie. Firefox). The effect that makes the window fade and disappear (like when you zoom way out), if you can describe it that way, starts and when it's faded like 2 pixels there is some sort of break/lag. After that, the effect runs just fine.

Hope what was expplaining enough :)

I don't know if the keyboard and mouse has anything to do with this, but:
Logitech G11 keyboard
Logitech G9 mouse
(Haven't installed drivers yet...)

Have the same problem and so has a few people over here.

Link Removed - Invalid URL

Can't seem to find any common denominator.

I am running an ATI card also but have no issues at all with opening and closing, no lag! yay! matter of fact runs better then vista and i only have 2.6ghz P4 with 3 gig ram.

me too!!!

when i start Internet explorer or any other browser, both of my cores goes instantly at 100% and i can't do anything in 5 min... it didn't do like that in the previously version of windows 7 beta?!

my specs:
intel core 2 duo 3.0GHz
nvidia geforce 8600GT 1GB
gigabyte p35 ds3

64bit windows 7 RC

my twin got a computer just like me(ofc with the same specs), but he's computer runs perfect!

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same here

Hello to everybody,
I have the same problem. The animation of the fading out/in windows is a bit choppy. I'm running Win7 64bits in Bootcamp on my Macbook Pro:

Intel @2.56 Ghz
GeforceFX 9600m 512 VRAM

when i start internet explorer or any other browser, both of my cores goes instantly at 100% and i can't do anything in 5 min... It didn't do like that in the previously version of windows 7 beta?!

My specs:
Intel core 2 duo 3.0ghz
8gb ddr2 ram
nvidia geforce 8600gt 1gb
gigabyte p35 ds3

64bit windows 7 rc

my twin got a computer just like me(ofc with the same specs), but he's computer runs perfect!

everybody i found the problem!!! If you have avg running on your computer, then uninstall
it!!! Use avast instead!!!

Interesting you say AVG was the source of your problem. I recently just wiped out Windows 7 thinking that it was driver instability and that I'd wait till the final release when developers got a chance to make solid drivers. However, I did have AVG installed prior to wiping it out and I'm going to try to verify your solution by reinstalling Windows 7 without any other applications and see if the issue comes up. I'll post my results here when I'm done.

I'm having this same exact problem too. I think we can all agree that build 7100 is just a bit slower than 7077 (or just not as fast?). When I first installed RC1, I had 3 GB of mismatched RAM and soon windows starting dragging terribly and animations were horrible. I formatted my hard drive and reinstalled RC1 and it was going a lot better. Upgraded to 4 GB RAM, which obviously made it better too.

BUT...there's still the little hicks in the animations that I didn't really notice in 7077 (which was 32-bit! This is 64-bit). Besides the open/close lag, even when I drag a window around (not a heavy application...I'm talking Notepad) there's a slight lagging that I want to get rid of. I tried ReadyBoost (3 flash drives fully loaded) and that didn't really do anything...I might format and reinstall again to see if that does anything.

Oh, to the poster above, I don't use AVG. I'm on ESET Smart Security but I tried with absolutely no applications open, same little lagging.

everybody i found the problem!!! If you have avg running on your computer, then uninstall
it!!! Use avast instead!!!
Using AVG 8.5 Free Edition on both my Win7 desktop & laptop and no such Aero animation lag trouble.

you 64bit? and got the same problem as me?
I'm using:
Windows 7 RC 64bit
Avast 4.8 home free
Nvidia 8800 GT 1Gb edition (With newest beta drivers (185.85))

The only problem I have is lag in closing effect...

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