Windows 7 Windows 7 Questions


New Member
May 3, 2009

I have just a few questions about Windows 7. I want to try it out, but I need the answers first.

1. I heard that you can download the RC1 from Microsoft on May 5. Will there ever be a RC2 or full version that is legal to download?
2. I have a Maxtor hard drive for the (I:) Is it possible to try Windows 7 on the (I:) drive and keep Windows XP on the (C:) drive?
3. If it works to put W7 on the (I:) drive, is it easy to remove if I decide to uninstall?
4. Where would I select if I want to run Windows 7 or XP?

Thanks in advance.

Oops... turns out I put : ) (with no spaces) which made it a smiley face.

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Hello and Welcome to the forums! ;)

1. Yes you can download the Windows 7 RC from Microsoft on May 5th. (Keep in mind that their servers will most likely crash at least once, but it will be available for AT LEAST 2 Months) No there will not be a RC2. Microsoft has stated this several times. The RTM branch is well under way now as well and will most likely be released in a few months.

2. So basically you want to dual boot? Yes that is possible.. Just install Windows 7 on a seperate partition. Once installed you'll get an OS selection screen each time you boot up your pc.. (Boot Manager). This screen can be customized using an app called EasyBCD (available for free download).

3. Removing the OS would be easy yes.. You would just have to format the partition it was installed on..

4. Refer to # 3 for the answer to this question.. ;)

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Thanks for replying. I just read an article about dual-booting Windows XP and Windows 7. I have one more question because of the article and one I forgot to ask before.

1. Will making a new partition wipe out any data?
2. I read the the Beta version of Windows 7 will stop working sometime in 2010 (it shuts down every 2 hours or something). Can I use the RC1 as long as possible or will it eventually stop working?

Thanks in advance. :)

Okay. I read that the RC1 will stop working in Mid-2010. However, I'll give it a try as long as I can delete it from the partition.

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In answer to the first question. no creating a new partition will not erase any data as long as you don't delete any of the other partitions in the process.. (to do this you have to physically click on a partition and click 'delete' so you don't need to worry about accidentally deleting one).. That being said one must remember it's always a good idea to make a backup of all your data before you start creating/deleting partitions... just to be safe.. :)

Yes, the RC does expire in 2010. However I wouldn't worry about that as expiry dates are meaningless in the grand scheme of things.. Plus the RTM will definitely be released (not to the general public) before the RC expires and the final Retail version of Windows 7 will most likely be released before the RC expires as well so like I said I wouldn't worry too much about the RC's expiration date..

You'll be able to use the RC for AT LEAST a year before the bi-daily shutdowns will start to happen.. :) Then once the Retail version hits stores you can simply delete the partition (or formatting it will have the same effect) that contains the RC and clean install Windows 7 Retail.. :)

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Okay. Thank you so much for the help. I am going to make recovery disks (which I should have done when I got the PC) and then create the new partition. Tomorrow (or maybe later if the servers get jammed) I will get Windows 7.

Once again, thank you Radenight. :)


I keep on thinking about more and more questions. I just thought about the product key. I went to Microsoft's site to get one for the beta, but will that work with the RC1? If it doesn't, where can I get one that works?

Thanks hopefully for the last time. :razz:

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Microsoft will be releasing a new set of keys specifically for the RC. When it goes live you'll be able to get RC keys rather then the Beta keys.. ;)

No problem, I'm glad I could help.. :) Fell free to ask more questions, we're all glad to help at this forum.. :)

Welcome to Windows7forums! :)

Once again, thank you so much. I'm heading over to Microsoft's site right now to get.

RC version and backup/restore

I have been telling ALL my clients for years that Windows should be installed on a separate partition to other programs installed.
Although I intially told and partitoned hard disk to 7Gb for XP (balance to D: for programs). I now make C: as 20Gb for the O.S.

I still use to date Ghost 2003* to backup my (and my clients C: partition) where the operating system sits to !BACKUP folder on D:

Even after installing the RC version 7100 over my Beta 7000 version, I used the same Product Key.

Note that you have to make a partition of at least 20Gb (free) to intall Win7.

* Even though Ghost 2003 only works under DOS, I boot to it using a Fat32 system disk-on-key with:
Partition Magic8
Norton Commander (NC)
Ghost 2003

Formatting under DOS is still the safest & surest way to format a hard disk.

My rule: Always make a (Ghost) backup of C: onto D: immediately after installing O.S. (calling it BASIC if you wish). Then make new backups (with different name) after installing 10 or more programs.

P.S. One of the main problems using Microsoft's Restore Point is that in ALL of the operating systems used so far saves this R.P. on to the same partition as the O.S. I say that it is the same as trying to fix a tyre's puncture while you're driving.
If something happens to your O.S. drive or partiton, how can you get to a previous R.P. ?????

Since I am a seller of hard disks, I tell ALL my clients "NEVER TRUST THAT YOUR HARD DISK WITH ALL YOU IMPORTANT DATA ON IT, will never fail. I have replaced over 30 faulty HDs in 13 years. Since you now have 8.5Gb DVD media, all your Ghost backups can be saved on ONE disc. Note DOS only recognises 2.1Gb files, so backup files end up having 001, 002, 003 etc.. which can be put on a DVD.
