
New Member
Feb 27, 2010
Just did a comparison with my Acer 1,7 mhz dual processor 3 gb; OS Ubuntu 9 and my brand new HP dv6 2,3 mhz AMD turion dual processor and 6 gb; OS 64 bit Win7;

From boot to 'on the web' (64 bit IE with the HP and Firefox with the Acer) is my windows 7 system no less than 30 seconds SLOWER than my Ubuntu.

Also very disappointed with the whole 'vista' experience, I was hoping there would be a completely new lay-out with windows 7 but for me it looks like some specced up Vista... (which was crap anyway).

A bit of a bummer if you ask me, other people who share my opinion?:confused:

I've always been curious about Linux, sounds like its matured a lot since I lasted looked at it (Red Hat).
Download a Live CD of Ubuntu and burn to CD and boot to it. To see what it is all about.
Better yet use the .iso to create a Live USB flash disk. It will boot much faster and run quicker than
a live CD giving a more realistic experience.

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The live CD is referred to as Ubuntu Desktop.

If you want to do the Live USB Flash then download this neat tool for windows called "Unetbootin".

UNetbootin - Homepage and Downloads

After D/L insert a 2 GB or bigger USB flash drive and then click your unetbootin download.
No install needed just click the .exe.
When Unetbootin opens click the radio button for...
Welcome to the forum reitsma,
Really, the only fair comparision would be by using the same machine with the same specs ie: in a dual boot setup or two machines with identical specs.
My Core2Duo machine (see my sig for full specs) is a multboot with XP (32 bit), Win 7 Home Premium (32 bit) as well as Ubuntu Hardy and Intrepid (both 64 bit).
Both Windows installs are running the bare minimum of startup apps as well as having some items (low priority items) delayed start. With no delay start add 10 seconds.

Win 7 boots to a fully functional desktop in 40 to 45 seconds as opposed to XP's 90+ second boot time.
Have no way to compare to Vista as I've never installed Vista.
Boot times are measured with a stopwatch as well as the BootRacer app.

BootRacer - Test your Windows boot speed

Both OS's automatically login.

Ubuntu boots in about 60 seconds although the 64 bit installs may skew the results somewhat.

Since I shutdown my machine when I'm done using it (this is after all a notebook and should not be left running like many people do with Desktop machines) so boot times are important to me.

As to cold start of Firefox or IE8 add about 8 to 10 seconds if you start them right after Bootracer says you are booted.

The first start of Firefox or IE seems slower than subsequent starts.

I use an app called SandBoxie to run all my internet facing apps like my browsers and email clients.
I've modified my shortcuts to open these apps in a "sandbox" for greatly enhanced security.

This increases the cold start times by 10 or 15 seconds for my browsers but subsequent starts are noticeably quicker althoug slower than
running unsandboxed.

The greatly added security is worth the sacrifice in speed.

Once started "sandboxed" these apps perform just like they weren't sandboxed.

IMHO and experience, Win 7 is miles ahead of XP.

BTW, the look you complain about is customizable.

Windows 7 vs Ubuntu 9.10

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thanx for the feedback. I tend to keep my bootable programs to an absolute minimum, will try to 'tweek' the win7 appearance more to my liking.


I've never really understood how a faster BOOT UP SPEED means it's a better OS, seriously? If ya only reason is to get on the web quicker you can get ASUS mobos that get website access in 3 seconds from post, that said I'm willing to bet thats a stripped down Linux Bios

It's just one of the things I like about Win 7 and what I look for in a new OS.
I have no interest in purchasing a magical MOBO that will get to "the web" in 3 seconds I just apreciate the fact that I can use my Win 7 machine quicker
than XP.

And BTW I believe that faster boot is an indicator of the quality of the OS as well as hardware capability.

Win 7 is in fact better.
Thanks for trivializing my efforts.

do not know abuot Ubuntu, have the DVD, but did not install it.

However, once my Raid LSI 9260 started, it takes between 10-12 secs to get the logon screen.


Thanks for trivializing my efforts.

It wasn't meant that way, sorry.

Thing is does every OS load up the devices initially or after it reaches desktop to make that a fair testbed in the first place?? to me the best test of an OS is if you can use it straight out the box without needing drivers and also games and applications run smoothly, then maybe time saving features but that's just gravy.

In that respect, working out of the box that is, both Win 7 and Ubuntu shine there.
With the exception of the proprietary video drivers for my ATi Mobility Radeon card installing Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy and Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid and Win 7
as well all three OS's pretty much just work out of the box with my hardware.

My video drivers are installed with the first update in Win 7 and with Ubuntu you have to enable restricted drivers after installation.
Compare that with XP that required almost all hardware drivers to be downloaded and kept on hand for even the network adapters to work.
Until installation of the NIC drivers no internet access.

Both win 7 and the Ubuntus detect, load and configure drivers for my NIC's including Wi-Fi during setup.
Even my printer is detected and up and running after install, albeit with generic drivers in Win 7.

I've got no experience with Vista but I've heard hardware drivers of the lack of were early complaints.

Not so with Win 7, at least the 32 bit flavor.

BTW, both the Ubuntu versions I cite are 64 bit and with the exception of having to manually install 64 bit codecs etc. work great out of box.

I've always been curious about Linux, sounds like its matured a lot since I lasted looked at it (Red Hat).

I've always been curious about Linux, sounds like its matured a lot since I lasted looked at it (Red Hat).
Download a Live CD of Ubuntu and burn to CD and boot to it. To see what it is all about.
Better yet use the .iso to create a Live USB flash disk. It will boot much faster and run quicker than
a live CD giving a more realistic experience.

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The live CD is referred to as Ubuntu Desktop.

If you want to do the Live USB Flash then download this neat tool for windows called "Unetbootin".

UNetbootin - Homepage and Downloads

After D/L insert a 2 GB or bigger USB flash drive and then click your unetbootin download.
No install needed just click the .exe.
When Unetbootin opens click the radio button for distribution at top and select Ubuntu from the dropdown. Select your version from the dropdown on the right and then move down to the next field and click the radio button for diskimage. Make sure .iso is selected and on the right of that field use the browse button to locate and highlight your Ubuntu .iso. Then click OK at bottom and wait for Unetbootin to do it's thing.
When done boot to the USB device to experience Ubuntu without making any changes to your PC.

The Live CD\USB loads and runs completely in memory and won't touch your HDD unless you want it to.

If you want you can install from the live desktop, there is a shortcut there for just that.

If you decide you want to try a dual boot see this excellent tutorial.

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Herman's site is loaded with great info about dual booting and other must have info about Linux.
