Windows 8 Windows 8.1 help?


New Member
I did something stupid two days ago and because of that I have problem download file.
I have my own account and I was admin but I have a guest account as well, I was stupid
enough to let the guest account be admin and now I can not change it.
I want my account to be admin just like before but I do not manage to get my account to be admin. Now the guest account some is admin.
How do I fix this?
Add the account you want to be an admin to the administrators group, then remove the guest account.
I know you said you cannot change the Guest account user type from Admin to Standard user but are you trying to change this from your own account or from within the the Guest account? Only the latter will work.
It is strange that the Guest account was able to be changed to Administrator. This is not supposed to be able to happen. The Guest account is supposed to be restricted by Windows itself to stop Guests having control of your computer. Have you got a virus?
Could your Guest account be one that you created and named it "Guest". If so then this is not the proper "Windows" Guest account. It will not have the restrictions that the Windows Guest account has and that may explain how it was able to be changed to an Administrator account. If this is the case then try changing the "Guest" account name to something else (Win25?) and enable the correct Windows Guest account. From the Win25 account try changing your account to an Admin account. If it works you can then, from your account (which is now Admin) you can get rid of the Win25 account.