Windows 8 Windows 8 memory disadvantage?


New Member
Dec 16, 2012
Hi all, Im thinking about upgrading windows 7 to windows 8. PLEASE read the following before replying:

The issue I face (as with all windows past XP) is its memory useage ....
Let me explain first before you rip me a new one:

We all know windows VISTA ate RAM .... the more you had, the more it used, resulting in a slow computer.
We all know windows 7 is basically doing the same thing as VISTA; but instead of ram, it uses the hard disc caching like a mother. So, unless you got a second drive with/hosting the swap file (so the swap throughput doesn't interfere with the main drive too much) or a SSD, the result is the same slow down.

I know that reading this sounds like my computer comes from the dark ages, but many 'experts' fail to realise that up to date computing power has lessened the extent of the slow down so that many believe it to not exist at all.

Now you know where I stand with a small insight into the question Im about to ask:

Q. What kind of memory demand does windows 8 have please? RAM or HDD?
Im NOT talking about flipping over the box and reading a list of rec. specs., that's for people who clearly have no idea what I am asking.

Btw my computer spec is:

i7 3610QM 2.3GHz, 6GB ram, GT650 2GB ram, 1TB HDD - I don't live in the dark ages and I am tired of 'experts' telling me that windows 7 doesn't use the swapfile. no trolls please.

Ty for your time reading my weird (but wonderful) post.

My opinion after puttin Win 8 on 3 systems is DON'T. I've found NO benefit from it and I regret wasting the Money on it. I should gave stayed on Win 7.

Win 8 boots faster, runs faster and is more secure. I will never go back to Win 7 on our laptops. They are both conventional non-touch laptops a few years old.

Win 8 utilizes memory better than Win 7. In my case this makes it faster.

In addition to better memory usage (I'm talking Ram here) I like some of the additional features of Win 8.

In my system, using Win 7, I always had problems with permissions when trying to move files from one laptop to another. I would set permissions on all PCs, tried both Home Group and Workgroup, and transferring files was very intermittent. It worked sometimes, but more often than not would give me a permissions error. Win 8 has none of these problems. I set up Workgroup and it just works. No problems. The intermittent problems drove me nuts in Win 7. They are gone in Win 8.

I really like the Picture Password.

I also like File History. Each month when I create a new Image, I run File History. This saves all my data to my Ext, HD.

Setting up Win 8 to use my separate data partition was just plain easy.

Everything is just smooth with Win 8 Pro.

I would definitely recommend a Custom Install from media I created. This will give the most pristine installation and give you an installation media for future use, including a Repair Console.

Currently, running Windows 8 Pro, I have 4 apps running, 20 background processes and 24 Windows processes, using 22% memory of 8Gb's. To me, that looks like quite a bit.
I will have to run Windows 7, then Windows Vista, both on this machine, to compare memory usage.


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In Windows Vista Ultimate x64, with 58 running processes;
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Windows 7 HP x64, with 54 running processes;
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Windows 8 Pro x64, with 51 running processes;
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These are all on the same machine running 8Gb's memory.

Hope this shows what you wanted.
Vista and 7 are not memory hogs as some people say/or think.
As far as I see it, there is no disadvantage.


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Using the same hardware I'd like to see a comparison of a fresh install of Windows 7 RTM with no updates from MS the same for Windows 8. To make it more interesting disable Gadgets and Aero in Windows 7 and use MSE for the AV.

Using the same hardware I'd like to see a comparison of a fresh install of Windows 7 RTM with no updates from MS the same for Windows 8. To make it more interesting disable Gadgets and Aero in Windows 7 and use MSE for the AV.

They are not exactly fresh/new installs, but, I do have the Gadgets Platform disabled in Vista & 7 which was done as soon as the OS's were installed, up & running, also in Vista & 7, I do use MSE and have since it first became available.
Have not disabled Aero, because I like it. Link Removed Link Removed


Don, It does appear on your system that Win 8 uses less Ram than Win 7 (3%) and Vista (5%). These are not huge differences, but even small differences can, over time or number of systems, equal big savings. In a business environment with many systems this correlates to more efficiency.

Don, It does appear on your system that Win 8 uses less Ram than Win 7 (3%) and Vista (5%). These are not huge differences, but even small differences can, over time or number of systems, equal big savings. In a business environment with many systems this correlates to more efficiency.

Agreed, you also have to take in to account, (not previously mentioned) that I do have more programs installed in Windows 8 than the other 2 as I am now using 8 as my main OS and it's running 3-7 less processes, so that may account for the % difference.
I checked again for the fun of it and Vista dropped to 19%, 7 stayed the same and I checked 8 while I was getting Windows Media Center installed and only rose to 18%.

I have no complaints with Vista, 7 or 8.


Many thanks guys, esp Adamsappleone for clearly doing a lot of work here for this.

I think I will take the leap into Win8 after all ^^ perhaps a dual boot system first, then I got the option to switch back if Im not totally happy.

One more question if you please ;)

Q. Does windows still require installation before the magical cylinder head to be bootable? My knowledge of multi-boot systems is like 15 years old :(

I think I will take the leap into Win8 after all
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I think you won't be disappointed. It is quite different, so don't panic, as we're all learning from it, any other questions after you install, just ask.

Dual boot installation methods really haven't changed, except for dual booting with Windows and a Linux Distro or say a MAC OS.

Good luck and let us know how it goes for you.


"I think I will take the leap into Win8 after all"

Kudos, good for you, wise choice, smart decision. Enjoy. Be glad to help you get going w/ it.

Not sure to what your question in red refers. But, I have done a lot of dual or triple booting, especially whilst I've been beta testing forthcoming OSs for Microsoft. Put 1 OS in; have a drive for the next... install it to that drive... you'll have a choice screen, select the OS you want & a way you go. Done like dinner.

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but i have no relevant trouble at all as I've used the combination of Win 7 and Vista and now using the Win 8 and 7 on my laptop .. all is running good.
