Windows Defender vs. Avast


Extraordinary Member
Premium Supporter
Mar 1, 2012
I just noticed some conflict between Windows Defender and Avast. I couldn't update Avast, and Windows Defender wouldn't start. It's been going on for some two weeks.

Just to give you the info. There seems to be some conflict, I solved it by closing Defender.

Best of all. :)

They both are free and offers awesome services but i prefer using windows defender because of the name, it's issued by Microsoft which is a goodwill for them.


The smartest thing you should do & that I recommend to all clients is switch from Avast to MSE (Microsoft Security Essentials). This will have no conflicts w/ Defender. Defender should not be turned off.

(And, just to clarify... w/ Win7, Defender looks after spyware/malware and MSE would be the anti-virus program. In Win8, Windows Defender is embedded, on by default and does everything in one package. Win7 needs both, Win8 needs only the one.)

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I had problems with MSE stopping so I dumped it. Also MSE constantly does poorly in tests against other AV products and has lost it's certification. I also quit using Windows Defender a long time ago and use Avast and MBAM instead.

I will never say Avast is not good. So is Malwarebytes. I used to use Avast myself & give it to my clients.

I do use MSE/Windows Defender & have given that to customers machines. I have never had a malware issue myself or any problem with this choice nor have any of my clients, after I have set up their machines & taught them how to take care of them.

But, certainly, there are several (good) security solutions and if something seems to work for you then, that's cool.

At least, we are not talking Norton or McAfee and a few others. Pheeew! That's a relief! :)

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@Drew, I have the paid for Avast Internet Security, and having been very content with it for a year, I just paid for a three years license. I also have Malwarebytes, Pro version = paid for. I strongly believe in the principle You get what you pay for, and some of my experiences with freeware are bad, due to lack in support etc. Doesn't go for Microsoft --- that's paid for, after all, eh?


My choice of topic wasn't the best one, seemingly. My intention was not to put Windows Defender versus Avast, in terms of which is better, we have quite enough of these "Which is the best antivirus software", and no one has truly presented a definite answer, most probably because there is none?

I just wanted to make a comment, in case it might have been a more common problem. Like once when a Windows update conflicted with ZoneAlarm, leading to lots of trouble... and since I lost my Internet back then... I re-installed Windows, and finally that turned out to have been unnecessary.

Perhaps I didn't hit it very well, or meet the spike at the point, perhaps I'm slightly paranoid, but what the heck, communication is always good.

But this was NOT meant to be a comparison of security software.

Have a good and bright Midsummer, all of you!

Understood & thanks for the clarification. I will mention, I have seen over the years a few times when Zone Alarm caused issues for some of my clients. Removal of it eliminated the conflicts & woes; the Windows OS was not responsible for the problems in those cases, either.

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Haa, you make me think. I have a rather old Ford Mondeo STW, and I only trust the service to authorized Ford places, that use original parts. It's a waste of money, considering the value of the car, and the availability of tons of pirate parts. But still, I pay the bill. Just to be sure.

Don't know, but perhaps the originality might be a factor here, too? I must admit I'm influenced by the general Windows mistrust; one of Windows' nicknames in Finland is Winpoks = Winpop. When something goes wrong... it's Windows.

Need to check my values. Very sorry for any nuisance. :cool:

Things in the same family play nicely together.

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They both are free and offers awesome services but i prefer using windows defender because of the name, it's issued by Microsoft which is a goodwill for them.

i liked much win8 WD..

Two security software is not good for the system. You'll have to choose only one.
Or else they'll prove to be roadblocks in your system.
I would suggest you disable Windows defender and install Avast.

These two antiviruses are inferior to Kaspersky in terms of protection.

Obviously, the best way to protect a Windows system is to protect Windows itself. The company has been improving its anti-virus system over the years. And they know better all the intricacies and loopholes of their system.

Moreover, Windows Defender does not load the system like many anti-virus systems.

Obviously, the best way to protect a Windows system is to protect Windows itself. The company has been improving its anti-virus system over the years. And they know better all the intricacies and loopholes of their system.

Moreover, Windows Defender does not load the system like many anti-virus systems.
But the built-in antivirus does not protect against threats at the browser level, for example. While third-party antivirus software does it successfully.
