Hello, I am using Windows 11, and I have the old Windows Media Player legacy. I created a huge playlist of perhaps 1,000 songs. The playlist worked well.
Days later, now the playlist never works, an error says it cannot find the original songs in the playlist.
To view the code of the playlist file, I used the file edit in notepad , to examine the source path of the songs, and it is correct, the original files are there.
I currently have Onedrive > Music on, and so for troubleshooting, I turned it off, but that did not fix the playlist error.
In File Explorer, I see that there is music in both the old User > Music, and newer User > Onedrive > Music folders.
I think the Playlist extension is .WPL or something similar to that. It is not .MPCPL, nor M3U.
How do I repair the playlist file? The playlist is too large to remake manually.
Please omit your music player recommendations, and opinions about Media Player Legacy.
Please reply with a solution to this problem, thank you everyone.