Hi. My first post!
I have been trying to access the Windows Newsgroups Forums from both this laptop (which runs Vista) and my desktop PC which runs XP. I used to have no trouble accessing the forums from either, but recently if I attempt to post a question on the Vista forum site, it refuses to open a new thread (and this is after entering the site by way of logging in via windows passport first). The "Sign In" icon is also showing.
And while it's not a Vista issue, the same thing happens (more or less) on the XP forum site, where if I try to start a new thread, I just get a yellow star with an exclamation mark. The icon shows I am logged in though.
I have turned off the Pop-Up Blockers in both Vista and XP, and anything else that looks obstructive, but to no avail.
It's infuriating and frustrating because I have not been able to access either of the forums (of course) to find out what my problem is!
I kind of assume that the issues are related, and if I can fix the one in Vista, it may fix the other too.
Can anyone out there help?