
Windows Forum Team
Staff member
Aug 27, 2008
Is there a way to turn off the windows update news and the update feed thread topics. I for one don't like the fact when I open the new post thread topic and I'm inundated with all these threads. It makes me just want to turn around and leave. Which I suspect that's what happening with new visitors and long time members when all they see is post after post after post of nothing. Who wants to see all that. I certainly don't want to.

If this is a numbers racket just to keep up appearances with the Jone's, to say the forum has had this many hits in one day, then that is just a shame. No different then ford claiming they have the number one selling truck in America, but don't tell you all the statistics of how they arrived at that number and claim. When Ford sells there trucks to governments at the local, State and Federal Government agencies. Then to claim it's the number one selling truck in America is just plain false advertising as with this forum and it's claim of hits/users posting in the forum.

I also recommend a facelift of the forum, as it's so hard to see and navigate from the home page....Less is more in this case....way less as a matter of fact. It's now eye catching, it's not vibrant or exciting to look at...it looks like some 3rd grader created it with an old dos based web design software packaged. It's just plain horrible and really really sad that the love and care is not given to the 8 forum as it is given to the 7 forum. At least over there the home page has color, it's simple, easy to navigate and most of all, fun to use. Not like it's big brother, the 8 forum. It's the red headed bastard child forum for windows 8.

I just had to say it, get it off my chest, because it's really pissed me off to the point of using other forums. So I really wish there is something to be done or can be done to fix the windows 8 forum. As it is now, it's no good and it's just terrible to use.

Respectfully requesting some sort of action to be taken to address this.

The new post thread is a bit of nightmare tbo. I now just don't bother with it as trawling through the news items takes far too long.

If this is a numbers racket just to keep up appearances with the Jone's, to say the forum has had this many hits in one day, then that is just a shame. No different then ford claiming they have the number one selling truck in America, but don't tell you all the statistics of how they arrived at that number and claim.

This is not the case. It is for legitimate information. Eventually we will delete some news after a certain year after it becomes irrelevant. They are from RSS feeds.

Is there a way to turn off the windows update news and the update feed thread topics. I for one don't like the fact when I open the new post thread topic and I'm inundated with all these threads.

You will observe that on Windows7Forums.com we have blocked similar news feeds from What's New, etc. and I will look into it for this forum today. It is not some ploy it is legitimate update information, some of it may be useful while others not. If they would release a RSS feed of KB updates for Windows 8, this would be a lot less trove of what you may consider useless information, but this is their update feed. I will get it off What's New, Today's Posts, etc.

I also recommend a facelift of the forum, as it's so hard to see and navigate from the home page....Less is more in this case....way less as a matter of fact. It's now eye catching, it's not vibrant or exciting to look at...it looks like some 3rd grader created it with an old dos based web design software packaged. It's just plain horrible and really really sad that the love and care is not given to the 8 forum as it is given to the 7 forum. At least over there the home page has color, it's simple, easy to navigate and most of all, fun to use. Not like it's big brother, the 8 forum. It's the red headed bastard child forum for windows 8.

Visually, we will not rest until the website is unique and robust with a new feature set. It is almost ready. As for the categorization of the forums, we are looking at that. I cannot give out any further information as someone will simply copy everything we are doing.

I believe the query came up a little while ago?

Easy enough to hide the news by selecting "What's new", instead of "New posts." I still get the update feeds occasionally though.

The other annoying thing about these feeds is they seem to recycle the same stories over and over. Is there a way to simply confine them to News section? It windows 7 forum they've mostly taken over the General threads.

The other annoying thing about these feeds is they seem to recycle the same stories over and over. Is there a way to simply confine them to News section? It windows 7 forum they've mostly taken over the General threads.

Don't quote me on it but the issue of recycled stories arises from the news bot syndicating many different sources for the news. Of course with the real world (i.e. news bureaus get their information from the AP and Reuters), almost all tech news sites cover the same content.
