access issues

  1. S

    Windows 10 New install...

    Having some troubles with sleep mode not sleeping at all. And networking on home PC's (W10 x64 Pro 1903 both computers) are not allowing access to shared folders between computers. I did some mild research on both issues. In regards to the networking issue, I got it to semi work reading from my...
  2. marcos9999

    Windows 10 Windows bar does not work

    My windows button is not working. Run command window also don't let me access functions. Windows update was turned off, wonder if that is the problem. Cannot access windows update or settings. Thanks
  3. G

    2 Controller Nodes in an AD Cluster - Windows Server 2012 One is given trust relationship issue when trying to log.

    Hi, Who can help me to put back conroller3 within the trust? Or help me to allow controller4 to take control on th entire AD. Issue: We have two servers in an Active Directory Cluster with no GUI. Everything is done by powershell. One is called Controller3 and the other one Controller4...
  4. D

    Windows 10 File Explorer not displaying Network folders

    I have a Lenovo Ideapad 5000 running Windows 10 Pro connect by cable to a Synology DS218j LAN storage device.. On my desktop I have placed a shortcut to the Network on my desktop. I did this by dragging the Network Folder from My Computer onto the desktop. When I double click on the network...
  5. News

    SMB file server share access is unsuccessful through DNS CNAME alias

    Describes an issue that blocks SMB file server share access to files and other resources through the DNS CNAME alias in some scenarios and successful in other scenarios. Provides a resolution. Continue reading...
  6. News

    "Too many PIN entry attempts" error after you enter a BitLocker PIN at Windows startup

    Describes an issue in which you receive a "Too many PIN entry attempts" BitLocker error when you try to start Windows. Continue reading...
  7. L

    Windows 10 from standard user to administrator

    Hallo! I need help! I have to turn my windows 10 account back to administrator user while I accidentally changed it to standard user. However ! I have tried all the advices that I found on the internet, including YouTube videos, forums, troubleshootings and everything .... It just doesn’t let me...
  8. J

    Windows 10 Problems with VPN

    Hello! I use VPN regularly but now I've installed it on my new laptop with Windows 10 - and it doesn't work! The laptop connects to VPN network but all I see are messages that sites aren't available. On other laptop VPN works fine. What should I do?
  9. F

    Windows 7 Network Windows 10 cannot access Windows 7 machine but sees it.

    Several Windows 10 machines in my home network communicating without problem. Some month ago I added a Windows 7 machine, which was accessible for a while, thereafter it was only found but no files accessible any more. Now another newly installed Windows 7 machine shows the same problem. I have...
  10. Neemobeer

    Windows 10 Windows 10 Build 1809 - New bug found

    The bug can essentially break the built-in administrator account, so in cases where that's the only admin account you could lose admin access to the machine. Windows 10 version 1809 upgrade could invalidate Administrator account - gHacks Tech News
  11. abodi

    Windows 10 can't optimize my C drive

    It says "never run". How can I Optimize the C drive, is there any wall i need to close down to get access. Any help plz.
  12. mchlmuia

    Windows 10 Help! My Folders are Hidden After a Possible Virus Infection

    Hi everyone, my pc recently got infected with what I think is a virus and all folders in my drives including drive C(windows installed) have been HIDDEN. When I click on any of my drives the folder is empty. The only way I can access my files/folders is keying in the folder directory in the...
  13. W

    Windows 10 Unable to start real Windows HDD in virtual machi

    Not tested on Windows 2000. But if I attempt starting a working XP/Vista/7/8/10 HDD via VirtualBox or a different PC, I can only access the boot menu. Even safe mode results into BSOD.
  14. S

    Windows 10 Loss of access previously provided by Homegroup

    The last Win10 update did away with the Homegroup (a problematic thing and probably good that it's gone), but I'm no longer able to access Music, Pictures or videos through My Sony Blu-Ray player. I have three computers on the network plus the Blu-Ray. One computer will allow the access of...
  15. B

    Windows 10 Path doesnt exist - for most anything

    so today I discovered something majorly wrong with my win10 PC. I tried something simple like accessing Task Manager from the task bar only to receive the following message - " turns out I cant access anyting but the folders and the internet....any administrative function, device manager...
  16. P

    Windows 10 Can't open explorer at all after multiple automatic repair issues

    So I am stepping in for my father who is having some issues with his laptop. For a few days now, he couldn't get into windows 10. Upon starting the computer, a big white rectangle would flash during POST, and then it would load for a second before going into the blue diagnostic screen like...
  17. S

    Windows 10 April 2018 Update Problems

    I run three computers on my home network. All three updated on April 30 to the latest Windows version. One computer, the slowest and cheapest, is working great, but there are problems on the other two that I'm hoping someone can provide me some guidance on. The Lenovo is working perfectly...
  18. M

    Windows 7 Im stuck im not very technical im a new user i locked my self in as admin but not sure email i used

    Can any body tell me wot i do next im trying get myself back as main user only me uses it iv add bfor helpmgs 2221.=?unsure now its helpmsg 3506. =?wots that mean it says Message# Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. B

    Windows 10 Kaspesky and windows 10

    I need some help! Has anyone had this same problem. I just updated my computer to Kaspersky 2018 and now I can't get into some sights that I use to get into. I have windows 10. I've uninstalled Kaspersky and reinstalled it and have the same problem. This is what it tells me when I try...
  20. GeneralHiningII

    Outlook is not connecting to Hotmail account

    Problem: Cannot add my account to Outlook Isolating the problem: Adding my Gmail account works fine by itself. Using the app password given by Google is okay. Things I've tried: - Deleting the .ost files and restarting Outlook - Deleting all profiles and creating a new one -...