account management

  1. Change your country or region in Microsoft Store

    If you change your country or region for Microsoft Store, stuff you got in one region might not work in another. Continue reading...
  2. L

    Windows 10 from standard user to administrator

    Hallo! I need help! I have to turn my windows 10 account back to administrator user while I accidentally changed it to standard user. However ! I have tried all the advices that I found on the internet, including YouTube videos, forums, troubleshootings and everything .... It just doesn’t let me...
  3. Windows 7 Windows 7, I can't add user accounts

    Windows 7, I can't add user accounts The ASUS X73T computer with WIN 7 64 bit began to announce that the version of Windows I use is not genuine even though it is the machine's original system. The factory settings for the reset machine and the operating system were activated with the original...
  4. K

    Hotmail Backup

    hi is there someone who can help me to create backup of hotmail account please help me out to create backup of my hotmail account please let me know if it is possbile
  5. K

    Windows 10 How to delete account?

    I have an account saved on win 10 but I want to change another account and delete it, then I can not delete it please help me! Thanks As shown above I can not find the delete button
  6. F

    Windows 10 How To Disconnect School Account?

    This summer, my daughter was home. She needed to update her resume for some auditions, so she used my computer. Once she was on my computer, in my account, she logged onto her school account (with school OneDrive, etc.). No problem. Now she's back at school for her final semester. And I'm...
  7. T

    Windows 10 How to sign in to or out of

    How to log in and Sign up of Outlook account?
  8. Windows 10 2 windows10 computers, 1 microsoft email account, use 1 account on both?

    microsoft always asks me to sign into my microsoft account and stop using a local account to sign in, i've been thinking about doing that a long time ago but, i have 2 desktops, one that i use for gaming and mining, and then other one i use just to surf the internet watch movies, the...
  9. March 30, 2018 - Forum Update!

    Hello! Well, it has been quite some time since I have followed up here to discuss with you what is going on with the forum. Today, we have introduced some new features, for the first time in awhile: You can now deactivate your account or reactivate it at any time. You can now change the color...
  10. Windows 10 Microsoft Mail Problem

    Windows mail does not work. I cannot Manage Accounts. When I open the Manage window and click on any account, nothing happens. I cannot add or delete accounts. Mail does not come in on the accounts I have previously set. One of my accounts can send messages but it does not receive them; the...
  11. W

    Windows 8 Windows 8.1 help?

    I did something stupid two days ago and because of that I have problem download file. I have my own account and I was admin but I have a guest account as well, I was stupid enough to let the guest account be admin and now I can not change it. I want my account to be admin just like before but...
  12. J

    Windows 10 Log in User Account

    I have two User Accounts. How can I make one of them the default for logging into Windows when I boot?
  13. 4056318 - Guidance for securing AD DS account used by Azure AD Connect for directory synchronization - Version: 1.0

    Revision Note: V1.0 (December 12, 2017): Advisory published. Summary: Microsoft is releasing this security advisory to provide information regarding security settings for the AD DS (Active Directory Domain Services) account used by Azure AD Connect for directory synchronization. This advisory...
  14. P

    Windows 7 Switch ownership of "normal" folders (tree): Disadvantages?

    When I inspect my file system some of my "normal" (=non system) folders then I can see owners like "S-1-5-21-15185678....." or "S-1-5-21-107808153 Why do only approx 30% of all folders have "S-1-5-21-151..." as owner and all others "Administrator"? I dislike these "S-1-5-21-......" owners and...
  15. MS16-144 - Critical: Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (3204059) - Version: 1.0

    Severity Rating: Critical Revision Note: V1.0 (December 13, 2016): Bulletin published. Summary: This security update resolves vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer. The most severe of the vulnerabilities could allow remote code execution if a user views a specially crafted webpage using Internet...
  16. G

    Windows 7 “The username or password is incorrect.”

    Hi, There are three user accounts in Windows 7 computer. Whenever I start my computer, the first screen is "The username or password is incorrect." When I click OK, it shows only one user account and Other User. I am able to login that user but I don't seen another user account. When I click...
  17. M

    Windows 10 How to stop child user from accessing my software?

    Hi, I'm sorry if the title is confusing... I have windows 10 64-bit. I log in using my Microsoft account (not local account) and have a child account also setup so my son can log in and use the PC. However, there are some software that I would not like my son to have access to or know I am...
  18. P

    Windows 10 Account lost after someone associated their Microsoft account to this computer.

    So i have been using windows 8.1 and only had one local account in this computer. I come back to find that someone has associated their cloud account to this computer and now my account is missing and now i have their accounts instead and windows 10. My question is, can i somehow retrieve my...
  19. D

    Windows 10 Changing Windows 10 user accounts

    I have a new Acer Aspire E5-574 laptop that cam with Windows 10 pre-installed. I now have a single admin user account using MS Live. I now wish to change this account to a local account but I find that this is impossible. I have found on the internet simple instructions as how this can be...
  20. Windows 7 We were happy before "Microsoft Account" came up.

    Running under Win 7, we have six Outlook accounts. Ordinarily, all our email work was done locally under Outlook; however, occasionally we had to go out to to get into accounts at the server. No problem -- sign in with our email address and password and we were fine. Then somebody...