
  1. Our Promise: The Best is Yet To Come

    With our features laid to bare, we hope to re-assemble our team of volunteer experts around the world. Here at Windows 7 Forums, we are dedicated to providing our viewers and members with the best possible forum experience online. That includes the ability to use so many features, and take...
  2. M

    End of June Updates

    We continue to improve upon our current services, especially regarding vBulletin 4 beta. Several changes have been introduced in the latter part of this month, they're listed below. This month's biggest announcement of course it the new Apture search add-in that runs along side the site. A...
  3. Apture Search

    We are pleased to announce that the entire text content of the site is virtually searchable by simply selecting a string of text, hovering over it, and selecting the Learn More button. The search is prioritized as related to Windows7Forums.com and Windows8Forums.com. Further, you will be able to...