If you're the type of person who's been judging their computer compatibility at 4 a.m., anxiously refreshing Windows Update to see if the latest patch has been rolled out, this one’s for you. Microsoft has officially announced that major issues plaguing the Windows 11 24H2 update are finally...
Windows 21h2 22000652
When I update manually then run compatibility there a fix re: bits.
If I leave it on auto and run compatibility it is fine.
Is this typical? You can have one or the other but not both, it appears. I would rather run it manually more often than automatically does less...
My PC performed an auto update last night and now I have this error:
Server Error in '/' Application
popping up with two websites (so far) that I use on a regular basis. I have no idea if this is an issue with my PC or if it has something to do with the site.
Any thoughts will be appreciated...
Last week my PC performed an auto update and ever since I've been experiencing one ongoing problem. After booting my system at the start of each day I have noticed that as soon as I play any streaming video my system freezes seconds later.
My video card is running the latest drivers. I'm at a...
Last week my PC performed an auto update and ever since I'm experiencing one ongoing problem. After booting my system at the start of each day I have noticed that as soon as I play any streaming video my system freezes seconds later.
My video card is running the latest drivers. I'm at a...
Windows 10 - 64 bit interrupted (froze) my workspace several days ago with an "app and features" update that required a restart to begin downloading. Did not have an "X out" option. I clIcked on the restart option, the update started and then stalled. Several hours later I finally turned the...
When I first got my PC I got it all set up the way I liked it then created a system image. I then followed every guide I can find on the internet to disable auto update and telemetry. This worked great for about a year until today. I went to turn off my PC and boom there it was, "Restart and...
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Dear all,
I am new here, so Hi!
I just woke up my PC and suddenly a unknown icon appeared on my taskbar.
I cannot click it and when I point the cursor at it there is no description there.
Do you have any idea what could it be? It looks wireless-ish.
Also, there is one more thing - my Windows...
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My computer (ACER) has windows 10. Mid-last week, overnight, the windows updated by itself. The entire format of my computer change and my documents were all moved around. I generally keep most of my documents on the desktop, which was now moved into another separate folder that I had to find. I...
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im getting so tired of constantly getting requests to update to windows 10. You would guess after 100 rejections of it, it would stop. But no, it still dosen't get it. Today i startet to automaticly update to windows 10. That is some fucking BS. I dont wan't the program, so do force it on me...
This has been raised by others previously, but not been mentioned for a while. All solutions to the W10 Home update auto downloads problem suggest that enabling the Wi-Fi 'metered connection' button will stop this. This is fine if your connection is wi-fi. Most of the IT world considers...
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windows updates
Happy New Year !!!
I Upgraded from Windows 7 Professional 64 bits to Windows 10. Initially it's work perfectly.
After auto windows update a few times, My computer become Windows login and Windows Starting Very slow.
Every time when i open my computer After windows logo become Black screen...
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boot issues
high disk usage
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new year
slow startup
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windows 10
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windows upgrade
Insider Preview - Windows 10 Tech Preview
Windows 10 Tech Preview
Microsoft just went nuts announcing in a new Blog that Windows 10 is to be a 'recommended update' meaning if your windows update settings are set to auto it's being installed whether you like it or no......
Sent from my HP 7...
I have been running windows10 for almost a year. Im an old retired coder with 45 years under my belt. Until windows 10 came along ( this latest build) I had little love for windows. That has changed. Windows 10 is awesome, Microsoft finally got it right. Uninstall all your tuneup software and...
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My Windows 8.1 was updating automatically until it received KB3000850 0n 3/21/15 . That update failed with error code 80246013 (Which supposedly means that the Windows Auto Update service has stopped) I went to services.msc and found that both Windows Update and Background Intelligent Services...
background intelligent service
computer restart
error code
installation error
pending restart
pending update
restart issues
system update
updateupdate failure
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windows 8.1
windows error
windows update
A thing or 2 that puzzles me :
1. During installing Win 10 to my VMware Player ( host os is Win 7 ), I was never asked for product key. After install. it was activated automatically. So, what is that generic product key used for ?
2. MS has set Windows Updates as Auto. I hate Bing and have...
I have been using Windows 8.1 desktop (Dell 8700) for a little more than 6 months. I am very happy with its performance. The computer is very fast. But here is one hitch. As all of you might know that the original SkkyDrive was converted into OneDrive during Microsoft auto-updating...
The wife's laptop hardly used, and been setting and has been setting for about 7 months. She finally decided she wants to learn/use it. I have been trying to get everything updated, and a few programs automatically popped up for updates and were successfully. However I can't get the Windows...
Today is 'Patch Tuesday'. Even though on Auto, checked for Updates & 5 Important were available:
3 Updates for Win8 CP x64
Definition Update for Office 2010
Update for .NET Framework 4.5 on Win8 CP x64
These were all that should have been available.
ALL Successful
Immediately after Restart...