
  1. N

    Windows 10 Background Processes

    Hi guys. I was wondering if anyone could explain something weird I found today. I went to my recycle bin and found some files in there that while I have no idea what they are for, I have a feeling they are not supposed to be there. I'm using windows 10 64 bit btw. These are the files in there...
  2. P

    Windows 10 I made a big mistake with Task Manager

    Hi guys. I was trying to free up RAM so I could play a game so I was ending unnecessary processes, and after I ended what I think was something about Cortana Search the screen went black. It might have been Mozilla Firefox, though. However, notifications still pop up and programs still run and...
  3. Windows 10 Background Sounds in Windows 10

    Sounds of an advertisement start playing in the background in Windows 10. I just can't shut it off. When I am watching a video, or playing music or skyping, I hear other sounds (from an advertisement, from the sound of it). I hear it even if I have no internet browser running. I can't...
  4. Windows IoT Core Visual Studio Project Templates

    I guess it's kind of a getting started or template week, including today's Hardware Friday post... :) Link Removed This package contains project templates for Windows IoT Core Applications The Windows IoT Core Project Templates enables development for Windows IoT Core devices (such as...
  5. Windows 10 Background Personalization

    Hello Guys, When i personalize background and i choose slideshow with a folder of photos, until some time ago, it works perfectly changing the picture after one minute as configured. Now and i don´t know why it doesn´t work. Only give the first photo of the folder and nothing more. What happens...
  6. The Windows 10 Start Menu on Windows RT 8.1

    Here is a little more background on the update that delivered a Windows 10 style Start Menu to Windows RT 8.1 systems. read more Continue reading...
  7. How To: Customize the Background Picture in the Windows 10 Mail App

    By changing the Mail app background in Windows 10, you can truly own your email experience. read more Continue reading...
  8. S

    Windows 10 Upgrade reserved but no download?

    The title says it all.. It is reserved and it won't download. It also didn't download the backround thing before today like everyone else has getting but someone told me on the forums that it was fine and that him and his friends were'nt getting it either. On my control panel it says that it is...
  9. S

    Windows 10 Help with not installing backround updates?

    So everyone else has been getting backround updates for the new windows 10 if you have reserved a copy of it. However, I noticed that for me it isnt installing and I found out why. this picture shows you that I have windows 10 reserved on...
  10. Windows 10 Retail Packaging?

    Except for the inclusion of the laser-created Windows 10 background, the retail packaging is a bit bland. read more Continue reading...
  11. How To: Personalization Options in Windows 10 Settings

    A closer look into the Personalization settings in Windows 10 Interstitial Ads Frequency: -1 read more Continue reading...
  12. M

    Windows 8 Is it possible to change the login password text box location?

    I really don't like the default logins for my windows 8.1 computer, as in I select a user from a list and it pops up a new screen and you enter the password then login. I would much prefer you type in the username, and then type the password. I am wondering if there is someway to do that through...
  13. Windows 7 Wallpaper - differents on two screen

    Hello How do I change the background image on two monitors, so that they do not show the same background? Info: I have 2 monitors with different resolution / number of pixels. A solutions without 3. part software will be preferred
  14. 3D Builder User Manual

    1 Loading an object Link Removed Figure 1 - 3D Builder Start Screen 3D object can be loaded using 3 different methods. One can either pick a model from the 3D Builder Library, load them from an external file or create a new one from a Kinect v2 Sensor scan (see 3D Scanning). Loading...
  15. C

    Windows 8 Windows 8.1 update broke windows

    After updating windows its been acting broken. Sometimes when i boot it up my windows color would change from blue to purple, the computer heats up a lot faster, google chrome videos will act broken as well, the desktop background will go away and be replaced with a back screen, i will get...
  16. E

    Windows 8 Random string of numbers and letters in background processes

    I noticed a couple of things in my background processes and was wondering if anyone knows what they are. cnss4E28.tmp jnsd7D40.tmp snsh8BDB.tmp etc. Looked them up on google and got no hits, any help would be appreciated.
  17. Windows 10手機最新預覽版曝光:大變樣-香港商报

    Win10手機預覽版首次推送時,版本號為9941.12498,支持6款Lumia中低端手機。現在IT之家將為大家獨家曝光全新的Win10手機預覽版Build 10038.12518,直觀變化就是微軟雅黑字體,諸多細節一一為大家解析。 Win10手機開始屏幕,可以看到微軟雅黑字體。 在Win10手機中,微軟進一步添加背景圖片+動態磁貼微透明功能,需要用戶進行合理搭配。微軟此前也稱,未來類似WP8.1開始屏幕透明磁貼也會在Win10上給予選擇。 Link Removed
  18. Windows 8 Pre-installed Windows 8.1 Deactivated randomly. Can't activate it, no code. *Urgent help*

    So, the title pretty much tells it all. I've had a new PC with Windows 8.1 Preinstalled (Its from a legitimate source). Today i went to go and change my background and i was met with a message telling me to activate windows to access the feature. It confused me. I then went to Activate it from...
  19. G

    Windows Vista My desktop icons have dissapeared

    My cousin brought me his Acer Aspire running Vista for me to clean up. I have done this, but he has no icons on his desktop. He does have a desktop background picture. Furthermore, I attempted to add 2 new icons and they don't appear as well. there a setting somewhere to fix this? Thank you
  20. S

    Windows 7 Locking feature of Windows that works in the background screen

    Hi All! Lock the screen of Windows, is working with the screens by locking the background, just have a feature that will allow the program to be open? I would be glad if you help friends who are knowledgeable about this topic. (For example, electronic test, enter user name and password, and...