backup process

  1. Windows 10 Updating existing system image backup

    I made a complete system image backup on an external hard disk about a month ago, now I want to update the image. Does creating system image again on that same external hard disk create everything from scratch or update the existing backup? If so, how can I update my existing backup?
  2. D

    Windows 7 System back-up

    If I create a system restore disk or create a system image whilst backing up, do both take the current system image including all updates installed to the point of time I did the back-up ?
  3. Windows 8 New Paragon Backup and Recovery

    Hi I thought that some people might be interested in this. Yesterday I upgraded my Paragon backup software to the 2014 edition. I was surprised to see that there is quite a change from the one I used previously. Instead of asking you to choose a location the save a backup file to (you can...
  4. Windows 8 Windows 8 image backup fails-"Backup engine could not be contacted"

    Since Microsoft is removing the Backup utility from Windows 8.1, I have been exploring alternatives to that very useful utility. I know there are third party utilities that will work fine, but I would rather stay with a native version, if possible. It seems the utility WBADMIN is capable of...
  5. G

    Windows 7 Error 0x11112 (VSS specific error)

    I use NovaBackup 12.5 for disaster recovery backup. Recently, before the process starts I get this error message: Error 0x11112 (VSS specific error). Sometimes the program freezes, can’t even be closed directly, only from the Task manager. On other occasions it continues: VSS technology tries...
  6. Robocopy.exe utility incorrectly skips some files during the file copy or backup process in Windows

  7. A

    Windows 8 How-To Create a System Image Backup

    Windows 8 Consumer Preview System Image Tutorial: Step 1. Whether your on the Desktop or the MetroUI, mouse over the bottom right corner to expand the Menu and select "Search", then select "Settings" and type in "File Recovery" and select "Windows 7 File Recovery" Link Removed This will open...
  8. I

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Backup - File Skipped - x80070002

    Dell Studio XPS Laptop - Win 7 Home Premium - Intel i5 - 4 GB Ram At 97% completed, after 2:40 of back up time, Backup reported complete but a file skipped. "Backup encountered a problem while backing up file C:\Users\Paul\Desktop\2010_06_14. Error:(The system cannot find the file specified...
  9. G

    Windows 7 Need to Convert Windows XP Batch File to Windows 7

    Hello: This is my first time posting here. Thanks in advance for any assistance. I have a batch file that worked faithfully in Windows XP. I wish to update the code to work in Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit). The code creates a folder with a date in its name. the code is as follows: @echo...