beta software

  1. S

    Windows Vista CRASH with PHOTOSHOP & Vista

    I have searched the web all over and no post on this subject. My Adobe Photoshop ce2 and newly downloaded beta Photoshop CE3 crash the whole Vista system on start up of the program. With CE2 it did it when I tried to register the product. With CE3 just start it and bang-o:mad: its crash and...
  2. H

    Windows Vista RC1 x64 install

    Hi there sorry if this is a double post, if this topic has already been covered please direct me to the right place. I have a 64 bit system and am excited to install the 64 bit version of Vista RC1 on my system. I am wondering if I will be able to use it as my primary OS. I currently use my...
  3. Mike

    Windows Vista Official Support Solutions from Microsoft

    Because Windows Vista is still beta software in development, help with problems is scarce. If you are a part of the beta program and have a copy of Windows Vista, you already know that there will likely be problems and incompatibilities since the software is still in testing. Once Windows...