beta software

  1. J

    Windows 7 can i bypass w7 or build an image to boot to recovery partition or am i pretty much f

    You might want to Tarentino this one, my question is at the end and you could read backwards as information is needed.... I have never posted a thread but the one thing I know is that there are a lot of smart people out there who want to help, but there is never enough info. If you have some...
  2. E

    Windows 7 I am unable to set up a home user network.

    I have been trying to set up my Home User network, Just the main PC and a Laptop , both with Windows 7 beta Ultimate. I have insatlled the sidebar and I have a USB printer connected to the PC which is the main computer. The Laptop can see the PC but the PC cannot see the Laptop. The laptop...
  3. M

    Windows 7 Firefox Works But Internet Explorer Is Broken

    I have Windows 7 x64 installed with Kaspersky's v8.0.0.1015 Beta Antivirus (with Firewall) For Windows Workstations, call it "K" for short, set to its defaults. When K installed, it disabled the Windows firewall as I expected. I can reach the internet with Internet Explorer when I boot...
  4. E

    Windows 7 Files disappear after download (.exe, .msi, .zip, etc...)

    Today, my Windows 7 system stopped allowing me to SAVE .EXE and .MSI files to my hard drive. It appears that I am able to download the complete files, however as soon as it completed the download, the files disappears from my hard drive. This happens with both IE and Firefox, with Windows...
  5. I

    Windows 7 SetteMaxer for Windows 7 (7000,7022)

    Hi...everybody SetteMaxer is a freeware tool that can help you to optimize and solve problems in some fields of Windows 7 easily, instead of navigating on registry & services that causes time loss and possibly some mistakes. Link Removed - Invalid URL Features: Optimize Menu Show...
  6. bboy500

    Windows 7 3 Official Beta Antiviruses for windows 7 (legal + free) Norton + Kaspersky + AVG

    well this is for anyone that doese not know about this. if you are using windows 7 there are already anti viruses from the bigger companies made specificlly for windows 7 and they end when the beta is over. so they are free for you to use fully and legally. Norton 360 v3 Win7 : Link Removed...
  7. C

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Crashing

    Windows 7 is now crashing for me. Its happening after I installed Kapersky Technical beta. I installed it because Norton 360 was going to expire in 2 days. So now when I log in Windows 7 I can only stay for about 1 minute then it crashes showing a blue screen. I didn't read all of it, but I...
  8. P

    Windows 7 Second taskabr on dual display GONE!

    Ok, So I have installed windows 7 beta on my machine, LOve it. Works great. So the problem (probably given away in title) I have lost my second taskbar! Really NO BS! I started 7 after install it setup dual display immediatly and I had two taskbars, The second wasnt aero but I didnt...
  9. K

    Windows 7 XP vs Vista vs 7: Resources + More

    Okay, so there's been a lot of talk about which is better, which runs leaner, which takes more space, etc. So I decided; Hey! Why not test them all, in a controlled environment, allowing them the exact same treatment to get as accurate a result as possible? Good Idea? I think so too. So here...
  10. L

    Windows 7 Windows 7 build 7000 64 bit: Expanding files Isssue

    I decided to try out the beta and put it on my sons computer since he was needing a format anyway. It is an AMD 64 bit processor with a Seafate 75 gig IDE 2 gigs of ram and an ATI 1950pro. Ran Vista fine. Anyway, I did a reformat of a the hard drive and all goes well it copys files and then...
  11. T

    Windows 7 [RESOLVED] Games for Windows Live 2.0 (and Fallout 3)

    I installed Fallout 3 on Windows 7 Beta x64 and was given the dreaded xlive.dll issue as with most people. I followed the following instructions and successfully installed BOTH! Hope this helps others!!! :D
  12. A

    Windows 7 System crash when watching youtube videos

    Hi, I'm using Windows 7 with a HP Compaq 6715s notebook without problems except one: when watching youtube videos with Firefox 3, Windows 7 crashed now 4 times since I installed the beta (about 2 weeks). The screen then turns black and I have to shutdown the notebook manually with the power...
  13. maddmaxx

    Windows 7 Office 2007

    I installed this on 7 and found out that MS doesn't have a PFbackup for 7 yet, no surprise considering the newness of the OS so I could not import my personal files to Office 2007. That being said I uninstalled it and installed office 2003 then I imported my backup files and had my data just...
  14. R

    Windows 7 Software working in Windows 7

    Hey all, new to this forum. Thought I would pass along what I have working. I have installed the 32 bit version of Windows 7 with the following software: Acrobat 9 Pro Photoshop 9 CS2 Kaspersky Anti-Virus 8.0 beta for W7 The Admin tools pack for Windows 7 (googled it) Blackberry Desktop...
  15. P

    Windows 7 Win7 32 to Win7 64

    I have both Vista 64 and and Win7 build 7000 32 bit. Should I upgrade Win7 32 to 64, I primarily use Win7 now, but I still don`t want to get rid of Vista just yet since 7 is still a beta with limited support here and there for some applications. Tri-boot is no go since I will be testing OS X on...
  16. winddancer

    Windows 7 Windows 7 not booting after Login Screen

    Hi all, I am having a problem with my Win 7 Beta. Everytime I boot the machine the system won't continue booting after I entered my login password. A blank desktop with the revision number appears as well as the mouse cursor (can be moved). But after this nothing more is loaded. I cannot...
  17. B

    Windows 7 Windows 7 and Audio Production?

    Hi Guys Just wondering if anyone has tried Windows 7 for any form of audio production software? I'm currently in the process of setting up Cubase SX 3 on the x86 beta and so far have ran into no problems (which is great, I ran into problems with Vista!). I've tried some VST instruments...
  18. Koushiro

    Windows 7 Requesting Assistance getting Windows 7 to see things.

    Hey everyone, saw the forums and thought I'd ask for some assistance. So I've got a WD 150gb Raptor SATA Hard Drive. I know I've got it, I'm using it right now with Windows XP SP3 installed. I downloaded the latest public beta for Windows 7, burned it to a DVD and reset my machine...
  19. doublea

    Windows 7 Triple boot os choice? or swap drives out when needed.

    Ok so im downloading windows 7, Im always curious how the next 5 years of the computing world may look. Easyiest way to do that, use the beta os for a few weeks. I was one of the first folks on vista beta, (when it was publically avalible.) And Im looking to do the same with win7, but I have a...
  20. L

    Windows Vista Stealth ports on Vista?

    Ok, here is the problem. I have Windows XP installed on one hard drive and Windows Vista Ultimate on the other drive. On Windows XP with just Windows Firewall enabled, all of my ports are Stealth according to Shields UP! , but on Windows Vista Ultimate, some ports are open and others are just...