
  1. B

    Windows 7 Backlight turns off

    I am running windows 7 32 bit on my macBook in bootcamp. when I boot into the windows partition after a few minutes the screen's backlight will turn off and I can't get it to come back on with out restarting the computer. As far as I can tell the back light turning off has nothing to do with...
  2. J

    Windows 7 Mac Users

    This thread is for those of us Mac users that happened to install a dual boot of Windows 7 Beta. I'm all about trying out new stuff, and I also like to keep a working copy of windows with me. My hope is that there are others out there like me trying out Windows 7 dual booted on a Mac. I will...
  3. S

    Windows 7 Networking with a Mac from a Mac

    I have 32-bit Win 7 installed on a 2.0Ghz black MacBook. Thanks to Dennis, I've been able to Link Removed Mini share via smb. After less than 2 minutes of connecting to the smb share, however, Win 7 will BSOD with an IRQ error. This only happens if I open a smb connection to my Mac, otherwise...
  4. C

    Windows 7 Hi Everyone! How to network with W7 and Apple?

    I have been using a mac for a few years (no drivers for vista for high end audio) but downloaded BETA and am loving it!!! Much faster, awesome, am love, love loving it - - Anyway, can someone help me and show me how to network as well as documentation on networking? The following is my set...
  5. Muscar

    Windows 7 Installing Windows 7 on BootCamp

    I've tried to install windows 7 build 7000 on bootcamp on my macbook. I burned the .iso file on a dvd-r and partitioned my HD. But when I try to start the installation it doesn't find the CD. I've tried to start up with the CD in the drive but it doesn't show up when I press ALT during startup...