
  1. 47songs

    Windows 7 Adminisrative privledges error message

    After installing the Win7 upgrade I had a problem opening up document shortcuts to various programs. In other words if I try to open a png file in Adobe Fireworks I get this error message: "Your user priviledges do not allow Fireworks to update your registry. Launch and Edit with Dreamweaver...
  2. kemical

    TV on the web: Web on the TV....

    Every Sunday morning I sit down with a cup of coffee and watch a show called 'Click'. It's made by the BBC and the full version can only be seen online. A shortened version is shown on the news channel. Whilst not too 'in depth' it does have some interesting articles and is well worth a watch...
  3. Master Chief

    Windows 7 Taskbar Overlord Application

    Here's a cool application made for Windows 7 that changes the way the taskbar works in two ways. The first is that, by default, if there are multiple instances of one application open, a single left click on the app's icon displays the thumbnail previews of all the windows in that application...
  4. N

    Windows 7 Taskbar doesn't do anything - need help ASAP

    As the title suggests, I cannot use the taskbar. Whenever I click on it, I can the error sound effect thingy, otherwise it doesn't do anything else. Oh yeah, I can only click on the start button on the taskbar, nothing else. Anyone got any solutions??? bump bump bump
  5. T

    Windows Vista Vista Sound warbles intermittently

    Hi, From time to time while using Windows Media Player, and I click on another programme/option/icon, the machine freezes, the sound sticks as if it is a very fast CD stuck on a track creating a fast warbling noise. This last for about 3 to 5 seconds then there is a loud click in the PC case and...