computer lag

  1. J

    Windows 7 i disabled my number of prosessers and now i can't run my computer!!

    Alright, so i changed my number of processers to 1 to be able to run scarface the world is yours, so i saw some lags in my computer and ignored it, today i thought it was it, i tried to change it to two, i couldn't see it, i tried googling this or something, first thing i saw was something like...
  2. D

    Windows 7 i7 cpu usage 100% overheating?

    Hi guys my i7 idles around 40's? it has always been like this CPU: 43 Core 0 42 Core:1 41 Core 2: 42 core 3 41 ( my aux is 128 ) but people have told me speed fan gives a false reading for that considering its been stuck at just 128 and nothing on my mobo is that hot... also considering that is...
  3. Windows 7 Windows update installations continue to fail

    Please look at this image first: Link Removed I am running Windows 7 64bit. I have 15 updates that continue to fail. YES, I KNOW THE IMAGE SHOWS "1" - that's because I wanted to see if could actually perform one SMALL update. They're just a bunch of Security Updates for MS Office programs...
  4. E

    Windows 7 Constant disk activity on new laptop slowing EVERYTHING down

    Just got a new Acer aspire laptop for christmas. Everything works fine except that every time I turn it on or wake it up, there's about a 10 minute period of non-stop disk activity that causes every other application to come to a grinding hault. I downloaded process monitor and checked it out...
  5. E

    Windows 7 Operating System not found (windows 7)

    I'm been working on this problem for over a day now and now I'm stumped. I've read dozens of threads and blogs all over the internet concerning this "operating system not found" problem but none of their problems seem to be the problem that I have. My computer just got extremely laggy and froze...
  6. P

    Windows 7 i have 2 problems and one makes it impossible to fix the other

    first problem that happened first was when ever i started a program a notice would pop up and say the file is corrupt and i had to turn on the chkdsk utility. the second problem is that every 10secs(not exaggerating its that common) even if i am not doing anything on the computer a pop up...
  7. Windows 7 Ridiculously High CPU Usage on Fresh Install

    Hi guys, I have had XP Pro for a number of years now, and I know full well that after a while it had always deteriorated and I would have to format. This happened for around the third time where it became nearly unbareably slow. I figured since it keeps happening, and to generally get with the...
  8. T

    Windows 7 World of Warcraft Issues

    I don't really know where to put this as it is strictly related to my games. I'm having a problem with Windows 7 that none of my friends are having. When I play WoW my system will go a couple minutes really slowly. WoW will drop to 4 fps and The rest of my programs will go really slowly. Then a...
  9. D

    Windows Vista Another Vista freezing problem

    Hello everyone, new to the forums and in need of some help obviously. Just recently my Vista has been freezing up after booting. I had noticed this when I have been using my laptop as an alarm clock one night and didn't go off in the morning because my computer has froze and the only way out of...
  10. D

    Windows Vista Desktop Loads Slow

    Hi everyone I have a dell inspiron 1525 with windows vista home premium.its in good standings,almost brand new,since i have like 4 months already with it.The prblem is the following. All of sudden when i restart my laptop it restarts fine,but when it goes to the desktop,it has a blank...