
  1. F

    Windows 8 Convince Me

    I suppose I'm one of the rare souls who finds 8 very intuitive and easy to use. I don't have a smartphone, so I have no app habits to break. The common complaints I've encountered haven't been relevant to me, and after 9 months I find myself much more comfortable with 8 than any other operating...
  2. Windows 7 Ping 182: Legos & Robots, Bing search, Xbox One Domain name, Kinect spy? | Ping!

    While Paul is off sewing his wild oats, we had the pleasure of being joined by Mark DeFalco. Enjoy! Link Removed Bing expands auto search The domain name battle Is your Kinect spying on you? Link Removed Link Removed
  3. I Have Two Concerns/Questions About This Forum

    Hello all, Concern #1 - Why is my Network Activity Indicator showing "consistent activity" ONLY when I'm logged into this forum, sitting idle, and/or viewing posts. Does this forum run some kind of background script that consistently attempts to collect data? I see an auto-save notice appear...
  4. VIDEO Why Windows 8 Scares Me

  5. C

    Related to Skype Webcast email I recieved

    I'm not sure if I would be welcomed in the Skype Webcast. There are other issues I have heard about but here is my issue. I leave it here for you to discuss or ignore. With the risk of receiving another infraction over the same topic, I present the main reason behind why I quit visiting...
  6. Metro apps on Windows 7 is a bad, bad idea

    As we move closer to the launch of Windows 8 -- and the sea change that the Metro user interface brings to the platform -- there's an ever increasing drumbeat of both skepticism, concern, and apprehension depending on who you talk to. End users are skeptical of Metro because they do not see its...
  7. Site Introduced Ads in Members Posts - NOT COOL!

    I am very unhappy with the site's policies to introduce ads into members posts without their knowledge or permission. I think it is very deceptive, disappointing and uncalled for. I am referring to ads that appear when users submit posts they typed using key words like, r e g i s t r y, c r a...
  8. Windows 7 Concerns Over JavaScript Injection Vulnerability in SSL Connections

    A new Java Script injection that may expose private information even inside SSL encrypted connections seems to be a big concern for many, not the least of which is the Firefox browser development team. Seems like they may even be considering blocking all versions of the Java Plugin in future...
  9. Windows 7 Cybercrime or Cyberwar?

    America's Cybercrime Risk - A Look at Articles on Information Management and National Security
  10. VIDEO Fukushima kids test positive for radiation poisoning worst fears realized

  11. Microsoft Windows 8 concerns developers

    Tech giant is accused of fostering 'fear, uncertainly and doubt' by emphasising HTML5 and CSS3 for writing apps for tablets Independent developers for Microsoft's platforms are increasingly concerned about the lack of clarity from the software giant over the future direction of its programming...
  12. Windows 8 UI Revolution Triggers Fear and Loathing

    Paul Thurrott's Supersite for Windows The new Windows 8 user experience has triggered excitement in the Windows user community, but also some fear and loathing for competitors and their supporters, and for developers. I'm happy to see Microsoft's competition on the run for a change, but the...
  13. Windows 8 UI Revolution Triggers Fear and Loathing

    Paul Thurrott's Supersite for Windows The new Windows 8 user experience has triggered excitement in the Windows user community, but also some fear and loathing for competitors and their supporters, and for developers. I'm happy to see Microsoft's competition on the run for a change, but the...
  14. Excessive radiation risks for Fukushima workers

    TEPCO claim that two workers at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant may have exceeded the government’s radiation exposure limit, adding to the health concerns of those working to stabilise the facility. The government and TEPCO have come under fire for not disclosing enough information about...
  15. [Poll Study] Americans reluctant to share sex, work details on web

    Although many American workers have embraced social media sites such as Facebook or LinkedIn, they are uncomfortable about sharing information about their sex lives or salaries, according to a new survey. The poll of 2,118 adults showed that slightly more than three out of four participate...
  16. Fukushima Meltdown Confirmed

    Link RemovedOn April 6, Reuters reported that "the core at Japan's Fukushima nuclear reactor has melted through the reactor pressure vessel," Rep. Edward Markey told a House hearing on the disaster, saying: "I have been informed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) that the core has...
  17. Dog allegedly killed with liquor, pot at Mill Valley teen party

    The Marin Humane Society is investigating allegations that a dog was fatally poisoned by alcohol and marijuana during an unsupervised juvenile party in Mill Valley. Tamalpais High School contacted authorities this week after picking up campus rumors about the dog's death at a large party in...
  18. Victims' concerns put London 9/11 sculpture on hold

    Link Removed due to 404 Error Plans to erect a sculpture in a London park using girders salvaged from New York's World Trade Center, which was destroyed in attacks on September 11, 2001, have been put on hold after victims' families complained. The memorial, designed by Japanese-Russian...
  19. Windows XP Windows XP to Windows 7 Migration

    For those members and visitors who have yet to make the jump from Windows XP to Windows 7, Microsoft TechNet has an excellent guided video that may help you decide and possibly alleviate some of your concerns; Link Removed I hope you find it helpful. Regards Randy
  20. Wait a minute, Whoosh, are you spying on me ?