
  1. AlishS

    Windows 8 Modeling a Database for an Appointment System

    I am developing an online booking platform that enables teachers to arrange online conversations with students. Teachers can indicate the dates and times they are available for virtual meetings. Students are able to find available teachers by entering the date, time, and duration for interviews...
  2. News

    Rust/WinRT Public Preview

    We are excited to announce that the Rust/WinRT project finally has a permanent and public home on GitHub: microsoft/winrt-rs Rust/WinRT follows in the tradition established by C++/WinRT of building language projections for the Windows Runtime using standard languages and compilers, providing a...
  3. News

    VIDEO GoingNative 43: Talks and Tips from the Experts at CppCon 2015! | C9::GoingNative

    Ever wish there were a way to condense the entire CppCon 2015 into less than an hour? Well, realistically speaking, there may not be a way to really do that, but we hope this month's episode comes close! CppCon 2015 was packed to the brim with all sorts of great content, great people, and great...
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    Concurrency Visualizer Collection Tools for Visual Studio 2015

    The Concurrency Visualizer Collection Tools for Visual Studio 2015 allows you to collect traces from the command line. The traces can be viewed using the Concurrency Visualizer for Visual Studio 2015. Link Removed
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    Windows 7 Rx Workshop: Schedulers

    Learn about the use of schedulers to parameterize concurrency in Rx and to test applications using virtual time. Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed
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    Windows 7 ICSE 2011: Victor Pankratius - Developing Manycore Applications with Auto-Tuners

    Continuing on with our coverage of Link Removed, meet Dr. Victor Pankratius. Dr. Pankratius heads the Multicore Software Engineering investigator group at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany. He also serves as the elected chairman of the Software Engineering for parallel Systems...
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    Windows 7 AFDS Keynote: Herb Sutter - Heterogeneous Computing and C++ AMP

    Herb Sutter introduces the Link Removed crowd (and the world!) to Microsoft's view on heterogeneous computing in the concurrency age and introduces one of Microsoft's upcoming technologies for democratizing GPGPU/APU/Multi-Core/Many-Core programming for native developers: C++ Accelerated Massive...
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    Windows 7 Tech Ed North America: Kate Gregory - Modern Native C++ Development for Maximum Productivity

    Kate Gregory presents Modern Native C++ Development for Maximum Productivity at Tech Ed North America 2011. Go Kate! This session clarifies what features are in Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 and what is yet to come. It illustrates how new constructs such as lambda expressions enable better use of...
  9. News

    Windows 7 Cloud Cover Episode 43 - Scalable Counters with Windows Azure

    Join Wade and Steve each week as they cover the Windows Azure Platform. You can follow and interact with the show Link Removed. In this episode, Steve and Wade explain the application architecture of their latest creation—the Link Removed. Like many other popular buttons on the Internet, the...
  10. News

    Windows 7 Parallel Programming in Native Code: Tasks and Continuations, Part 1 of 2

    The Link Removedwrite tools for the C++ community that make it easier to write reliable, performant and scalable concurrent and parallel code. In this conversation, Mike Chu , Dana Groff, Artur Laksberg, and Vinod Koduvayoor Subramanian talk about their latest addition to the Parallel Patterns...
  11. News

    Windows 7 Project Orleans: A Cloud Computing Framework

    Link Removed is a Link Removed project and managed (.NET) software framework for building client + cloud applications. As outlined in the recently released paper on the topic: Orleans defines an actor-like model of isolated grains that communicate through asynchronous messages and manage...
  12. News

    Windows 7 E2E: Concurrent Programming with Revisions

    Building applications that are responsive and can exploit parallel hardware poses an important challenge. In particular, enabling applications to execute various tasks in parallel can be difficult if those tasks exhibit read and write conflicts. Revisions are forked and joined much like...
  13. News

    Windows 7 Don McCrady - Parallelism in C++ Using the Concurrency Runtime

    In this session, Don McCrady discusses how C++ programmers can fully utilize multicore in their applications using the Concurrency Runtime (ConcRT), the Parallel Pattern Library (PPL), and the Asynchronous Agents Library that ship with Visual Studio 2010. Link Removed More...
  14. News

    Windows 7 C9 Lectures: Dr. Ralf Lämmel - AFP - The Quick Essence of Functional Programming

    We had to cover monads eventually, and there are many great monad tutorials out there (see, for example, here: In fact, there are web resources concerned solely with organizing the many monad tutorials available in the wild, and...
  15. News

    Windows 7 Allen Wirfs-Brock and Chris Wilson: EcmaScript 5

    ECMAScript is object-based: basic language and host facilities are provided by objects, and an ECMAScript program is a cluster of communicating objects. An ECMAScript object is a collection of properties each with zero or more attributes that determine how each property can be used—for example...